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McCann to MSSB?

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Sep 18, 2009 11:02 am

Any remote chance that Bob will do a head fake and join Gorman? Were they tight at ML? Now that Gormnan is the man…who will run Wealth management…

Sep 18, 2009 9:47 pm

I was thinking the same thing!

but with all the wackyness at UBS from a leadership (or void of one) standpoint - its got to be UBS. The new saying around here is we are a neutered Merrill Lynch (does feel like it – ) a really good culture that was from the painewebber days is dying fast.

Sep 19, 2009 2:43 am

like I said before, why would McCann take the job at UBS?  He may in the end, but it is no “dream Job”.  18K FA’s at Citimorh, 7,000 and falling at UBS.  UBS recruited 5, yes 5 brokers in the entire 3rd Q.  Layoffs to come in several weeks…csa’s nfa’s ops/admin.   Gather assets at any firm and have a laser focus on building a business.  If you do that it matters not what firm you are at or who is leading it.  They simply provide you with technology and clearing/custody.  Ever looked at it that way ?

Sep 19, 2009 2:51 am

like I said before, why would McCann take the job at UBS? He may in the end, but it is no “dream Job”. 18K FA’s at Citimorh, 7,000 and falling at UBS. UBS recruited 5, yes 5 brokers in the entire 3rd Q. Layoffs to come in several weeks…csa’s nfa’s ops/admin. Gather assets at any firm and have a laser focus on building a business. If you do that it matters not what firm you are at or who is leading it. They simply provide you with technology and clearing/custody. Ever looked at it that way ?

Cause the dumb ass Swiss FINALLY have figured out that their commie crap does not work in the good old USA brokrer biz.   

Thus, mccann has already cut a deal with total MF control.    

He has 3 years then Ozzie is breaking up the band and selling WM-usa.

Its a done deal.   worst case is dec. probabably sooner because of all the BS John Thain pulled.

It will be Paine Webber also.   An acid flashback
Sep 19, 2009 5:51 pm

not saying that he wont take the job at UBS.  Just saying that it is not a dream job.  Also,  I completely doubt that he will have total control.  As long as the Swiss own UBS, they pull the strings somewhat.  But I agree that once dumb and dumber are out it should be better for the firm.  Hopefully he and his investors will take UBS private and restore some of the lost wealth.  Anytime that organizations get so scrwed up, they reorganize to pull a head fake on the employees and stakeholders, while only trying to enrich themselves.  None of them truly care.  UBS RIF’s begin next week.

Sep 21, 2009 4:14 pm

Gorman was the reason McCann left ML the first time.