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Maten Hoekstra/UBS Dumb and Dumber

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Apr 10, 2009 2:48 am

Is there anyone more lame and clueless then this CS?  They pay FA’s 270% in  2007 and 2008.  Then mensa-boy is “shocked” that revenues are down in this depression.  duh.

two months ago he was totally commited to USA wealth management and their current direction.   "We are not for sale".      Next month.  55 branchs gone. UBS    u and us and a tool name Marten.    what an $#@ hole. UBS  Last in everything.
Apr 10, 2009 3:58 am

That is because the US wealth management is a drop in the bucket for what UBS does globally…

Apr 10, 2009 5:11 am

lets see

upgrade avg productivity by bringing on 1k FA’s avg’ing 950, selling branches in areas like wheling west virigina that are not in a major wealth center, layoff 4th / 5th quintile fa’s.

It feels harsh, but its really good business. overpay for top notch talent and get rid of underperforfermers is what this business is all about.

Apr 10, 2009 11:52 am

lets see

upgrade avg productivity by bringing on 1k FA’s avg’ing 950, selling branches in areas like wheling west virigina that are not in a major wealth center, layoff 4th / 5th quintile fa’s.

It feels harsh, but its really good business. overpay for top notch talent and get rid of underperforfermers is what this business is all about.

    You have to be a manager.   You drinking this losers Koolaid?    They suck at everything.  Good business?  Give me a break,  they are behind the curve in EVERYTHING.  (ARS,CDO's, Platform, structured BS, research etc).  This guy is a clown.  Paying FA's 270% of t12 when the AVERAGE non-burnt book is down a minimum of 50%.  brilliant leadership.
Apr 10, 2009 11:56 am

That is because the US wealth management is a drop in the bucket for what UBS does globally…

  Right.   goog UBS and get uo to speed. Swiss Goverment bailed them out.  IF downturn continue much longer, ubs and cs along with switzerland are going the way of Iceland.  They have handled this numbered account deal like real pro's.  dumb and dumber