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Jun 10, 2005 1:34 am

I’m interviewing with them.

They are expanding their offerings; insurance products along with
planning. Decent listing of non-proprietary products in both areas.


Jun 10, 2005 2:53 am

Your focus will be selling life insurance no matter what other products are available. The quotas and compensation are heavilly weighted toward insurance and annuities. Yes it is possible to offer financial planning, however, you will starve doing so.

Insurance companies like to pretend they offer comprehensive financial planning, but they don't.

Jun 11, 2005 12:25 am

Coag hit it on the head. 

 Have been going on interviews with NYLife and the manager keepstalking about financial planning yet the whole pay structeure (Bonus,extra commish..etc) revolves around insurance.  No surprise really but personaly going to look else where.

Good luck.