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Aug 3, 2012 7:05 pm

Any one have experience or info on joining Lincoln Financial Group? Thank you

Aug 4, 2012 12:17 am

ZwingDing–thank you for your response. I am new to the biz, have a 215 and Series 6 license. I work with an independent advisor now working on his book–group health, 401(k), all lines of insurance (LTD, LTC, life and annuities). We also do rollovers and manage money. As you can see, it’s a lot and overwhelming. I’m thinking it would be more effective to narrow my focus. I got a call from a recuriter who works for Lincoln and touted their benefits, ability to sell other companies’ products, and a minimum of $60K in premium a year. Ideally I would like to be successful where I am. Thanks again.