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Info needed to know abt Wells Fargo

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May 21, 2010 1:42 am

I need some help, I’ve been reading a lot of the post pertaining to the various organizations and I wanted to get some feed back.  I’ve been with EJ since 08, overall everything has been good until the last few months it seems my field supervision department is going on a major power-trip and really pissing me off.  Long story short I’m not any danger of losing my job with EJ (130% of expectation); however I’ve been receiving some offers from some other firms.  I recently meet with Wells Fargo, what’s to good the bad and the ugly?  Any help would be greatly appreciated?  Only being an FA for a little over a year I can already see EJ’s is not a long-term solution to me or my clients (too much big brother).

May 21, 2010 4:11 pm

They are a bank and think like a bank.  Any clients you have they will consider them as thier clients; and if you leave they will do everything in thier power to keep those clients as EDJ will do.  On the other hand, it is not as bad as Merril or Morgan.  Do not sign any non competes or contracts that you are not 100% comfortable with or willing to uphold for the duration.

May 22, 2010 7:34 pm

Wells Fargo Rocks!  They laid off several of my friends.

May 22, 2010 8:51 pm

They are in the slow but sure process of attempting to turn regular brokers into bank brokers. IF you are thinking of WFA know that in two or three years you will be a bank broker.

All in MVHO

Jun 1, 2010 11:04 pm

How hard is FiNet/Wachovia/Wells Fargo going after people?  I get more attention from them than my own firm!!!!

Jun 8, 2010 9:46 am


As a Jones FA you may want to explore the independent side of Wells Fargo Advisors You are not even an employee of the firm so you can't be turned into a bank broker.  You have the name recognition of a large firm with the independence of owning your business.  They will help you out upfront and the payout is about 85% less local expenses and some home office fees. Good Luck.