Going indy in Canada?
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Hi, I tried to search old messages but I didn’t find anything about going independent in <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Canada, full or part time.
Is there anything like LPL or Quest Capital in Canada, and what are the payouts?
Look at Raymond James… there are others but a number of us have gone to RJ and it’s worked out quite well. MFDA has more choices, but if you are IDA it’s probably the place
Thanks, RJ seems to be a good choice, b/c I’m with IDA and also life insurance agent.
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What are your experiences with the firm?
It’s been good… everything as they said, or better. Lots of support, zero interference. Contracts with lots of insurance companies, able to get any research you want, tons of support for the assistant when they’re new. PM me if you want more detail.