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GBX/Global Bullion Exchange

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Apr 23, 2008 5:57 am

Anyone know about these guys and what kind of outfit it is?

  What do you know of them? Good? Bad?
Apr 23, 2008 1:43 pm

Don’t know anything about GBX, but know a bit about Blanchard & Co. ( Not sure what you are looking for, but they specialize in rare coins and have quite a vast inventory. They are a wierd bunch but are experts in their trade.

Jun 16, 2008 4:43 pm

I am about to send them some money - I hope they’re good.  did you ever follow through? deal with them?

Aug 26, 2008 5:16 pm

I have started recently with Global Bullion and sent them a small amount of money to test them out… haven’t had any problems with them. My guy seems really on top of his stuff and knows a lot about preciouis metals. I see it as a good chance to make a lot of money… as long as the market doesn’t crash LOL but I suppose that is the case with any investment. Wish I could be more help, I’ll try and let you know how I do. New around here and just found the site while doing my DD on Global.  I’m interested in seeing what else is on the board.

  Regards,               Mike
Sep 4, 2008 12:32 pm

I have had a very bad experiance with this firm. I could not get a hold of my broker when the market crashed to sell out so it wasnt a total loss. I went into margin calls and was not contacted in time to meet the calls hence my account was blown out for a total loss. I was not told this was even a margin account by the rep before I started. The only time I heard from the firm was when they were presuring me to buy more.

Sep 4, 2008 1:18 pm


Mike, GBX knows what they are doing and you made the right move to go with them. I bought with them in September of last year at 12.5 and then my broker recommended a sell at 19.5. I saw a great return! I recently purchased more silver now that the price is back to 13-14. With hurricane Gustav shutting down gulf oil and with the Russia Georgia conflict, we will see the rise in commodities in the following weeks. My broker is in Tampa, FL and his contact number is 239-839-7886. I would recommend him to anyone.


Obvious spam scam here.
Sep 4, 2008 3:10 pm


Obvious spam scam here.

and my name is Donald Trump....Listen, I made money off of silver. You did not. Your loss. Thank you.
Jan 8, 2009 8:58 pm

I have dealt with Global Bullion Exchange for years and I’m very happy with their services. My ROI is unbelievable. Trust me,now is the time to invest on metals. Gold is the best.

Mar 16, 2009 5:16 pm

So far as I can see they are a complete scam. They bought me in at the market highs and when I approached a margin call I decided to cut my losses and move on and even then they held my order until the intraday low (buying, of course, at the best price for their benefit I’m sure.) I lost most of my money and so far they haven’t produced what remains. If anyone is still looking at this post I will submit the results when or if they happen.