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Does Anyone here not want to bomb EJ?

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May 5, 2006 12:29 am

Just curious as to how much you all seriously hate that company??  I saw Westy post on another thread (thanks ChicagoBroker) saying it's been 3 years.  I was probably cleaning crappers or something like that (I bet you like that don't you Rev?) 3 years ago, point is, I don't remember and dont' care.  It does intrigue me how after so long you can spend your time hating on a company you dont' even work for.  Go get a girl, or get remarried, or start drinking, do something.  I don't post negative crap, I never have, I am here to punk you all out that hate Jones, NOT because I like the company (Believe what you may), b/c it creeps me out how much you all hate it!! 

I am not as mad as that guy.




May 5, 2006 12:34 am

I suppose it depends on what you choose to be passionate about.

May 5, 2006 12:38 am

[quote=D.H.K.]I suppose it depends on what you choose to be passionate about.[/quote]


May 5, 2006 1:11 am

I compare the relationship I had with EDJ to that of a really really bad marriage where one party has lied to, emotionally abused and cheated on the other.  When you are in a bad marriage (and I can speak from experience here) you make excuses and blind yourself to the abuse.  One day you wake up or have the facts of how bad the marriage really is shoved in your face to the extent you can't delude yourself anymore.

First you get depressed "Oh woe is me, how can it come to this. I'm trapped"

Then you get angry at the cheating spouse "Bstd deceived me." and imagine all kinds of physically unpleasant things that could happen to his private parts.

You also get mad at the people who didn't tell you. "WTF I thought you were my friend, why didn't you make me see the light"

Next if you have any sense you get mad at yourself "Why did I hang in there so long.  What kind of an idiot am I."

Next you make plans to get out and a weight is taken off of your shoulders.  The world suddenly has promise again and blue birds sing and sit on your shoulder.  Ok I exaggerate a bit about the birds.

After you have made the break and realize you CAN stand on your own two feet and don't need the is good. 

However, the bitterness can remain and eat at your soul if you let it. Some people (Player) are obsessed with the abuser and that is unhealtly You either look back and laugh (sadly) and view the whole experience as an emotionally hurtful and in the case of EDJ financially hurtful episode.  No pain no gain.

I don't HATE EDJ. I do resent the outright lies they told, the manipulation, the deception and the fact that I spent a good deal of my life savings in the first couple of years there.  I also resent the years that I can never get back that I might have better spent at a different better broker dealer.   What I especially resent is the fact that like the serial spousal abuser, they get to go on and keep inflicting the same pain on other unsuspecting victims, all the while smugly reveling in their sanctimonious pretensions of righteousness. Part of the postings done here (at least on my part) is to try to save someone from the experiences that I had.  

On the other hand.....some people tend to keep making the same bad choices in life. Some people even seem to like to live in abusive relationships.

Woah..... that was deep.  I think I'll go pour myself some scotch.

May 5, 2006 1:37 am

Just because of the GPs. They are robbing that place blind.

May 5, 2006 2:14 am

[quote=babbling looney]

Woah..... that was deep.  I think I'll go pour myself some scotch.


It's the weirdest freakin' analogy, but so spot-on, bullseye right.  Mind if I pour some of that scotch with ya?  Or better yet, make that a bourbon.  I'd rather have something distinctly American.

May 5, 2006 2:35 am

It's the double speak that gets me.

May 5, 2006 3:21 am

There are two schools of thought on why EDJ takes so much abuse here...

1.  Ex-Jonsers are bitter about the deceit while they were at Jones and the treatment they got after they left.

2.  Others are tired of all the crowing done by the Kool-Aid crowd over skewed/manipulated "surveys".  At the same time, we're seeing some of the local Jones reps completely trash unsuspecting clients' portfolios through either incompetence and/or some questionable sales practices.

I can't speak to #1, but I can tell you that very few financial advisors outside of Edward Jones put much stock in these surveys, because of questionable polling methods and stories of how the system is manipulated and gamed.  It's fine to defend your firm, but you'll have more credibility and respect when you take a balanced approach, acknowledging your firm's shortcomings, while defending them.  Only the very naive will buy the load of steaming crap that everything is always rosy at ANY firm.

The best example I can give you is Bill Fakkland.  Bill took a lot of abuse for defending Jones in most of his posts.  Now he's posting acknowledging that not everything is perfect at EDJ and I respect that and am much more inclined to give his posts a fair shot in the future.

Gew, I think you're a reasonable person and I'll respect your right to defend your firm...just don't get too hot under the collar (I've been there) if a few of us poke at you once in awhile...

May 5, 2006 3:35 am

[quote=babbling looney]

I compare the relationship I had with EDJ to that of a really really bad marriage where one party has lied to, emotionally abused and cheated on the other.  When you are in a bad marriage (and I can speak from experience here) you make excuses and blind yourself to the abuse.  One day you wake up or have the facts of how bad the marriage really is shoved in your face to the extent you can't delude yourself anymore.

First you get depressed "Oh woe is me, how can it come to this. I'm trapped"

Then you get angry at the cheating spouse "Bstd deceived me." and imagine all kinds of physically unpleasant things that could happen to his private parts.

You also get mad at the people who didn't tell you. "WTF I thought you were my friend, why didn't you make me see the light"

Next if you have any sense you get mad at yourself "Why did I hang in there so long.  What kind of an idiot am I."

Next you make plans to get out and a weight is taken off of your shoulders.  The world suddenly has promise again and blue birds sing and sit on your shoulder.  Ok I exaggerate a bit about the birds.

After you have made the break and realize you CAN stand on your own two feet and don't need the is good. 

However, the bitterness can remain and eat at your soul if you let it. Some people (Player) are obsessed with the abuser and that is unhealtly You either look back and laugh (sadly) and view the whole experience as an emotionally hurtful and in the case of EDJ financially hurtful episode.  No pain no gain.

I don't HATE EDJ. I do resent the outright lies they told, the manipulation, the deception and the fact that I spent a good deal of my life savings in the first couple of years there.  I also resent the years that I can never get back that I might have better spent at a different better broker dealer.   What I especially resent is the fact that like the serial spousal abuser, they get to go on and keep inflicting the same pain on other unsuspecting victims, all the while smugly reveling in their sanctimonious pretensions of righteousness. Part of the postings done here (at least on my part) is to try to save someone from the experiences that I had.  

On the other hand.....some people tend to keep making the same bad choices in life. Some people even seem to like to live in abusive relationships.

Woah..... that was deep.  I think I'll go pour myself some scotch.



  You should write books.  I dont think you could articulate it any better than you did.  I asked the question b/c I wanted to really know why.  Ya see, I have my doubts about things, but it just doesn't seem as bad as everyone says, but then again, I haven't been in your shoes and every situation is a little different.  Bottom line, it was cool you didn't fire insults towards an honest post.  Sorry you got such a raw deal, serious.  I see signs of what you speak of, just no hands on w/ it yet.

May 5, 2006 3:37 am


It's the double speak that gets me.


Out of curiosity, what do you mean exactly, PM me if you need to.  Elaborate a little, trust me, I am sure everyone here would appreciate it.

May 5, 2006 4:26 am

Wait til you get to a higher level and see what your P&L looks like. Lots of Lgain and little or NO "profit". The hatred begins. I believe the P&L is something Jones does unlike anywhere else, which is a source of alot of disdain.


May 5, 2006 1:21 pm

It’s a situation that is not generalized, gew.  I know reps who’ve been there for years that wouldn’t be a good fit for indy or wirehouse, etc.  Ones that look to creatively think and look outside the box are those that generally having the biggest issues (not saying you don’t have to do so to be happy at Jones).  If you don’t constantly find yourself questioning “why” about some of the things, you won’t feel the same way as the others who are opposed to the firm.

May 5, 2006 2:13 pm

To elaborate on Looney's comparison...Once you finally realize the marriage is "over"  you become mad.  Mad the person you met, fell in love with, married and cherished is not the person you thought he/she/it was. You think back to all the times you should have seen the handwriting on the wall, but were too blinded by love to really see it for what it was. You feel foolish for shouting from the mountaintops, "I LOVE THIS FIRM!" (see Tom Cruise jumping the couch on Oprah show) when people from other firms are laughing behind your back.

I've said it's alot like getting a divorce you didn't want.