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Buying a book?

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Jul 31, 2010 5:57 am

I gave up a book to go into management five years ago, only to be downsized and end up with no job and no book. I am currently at a major wirehouse, and rather than start from scratch cold calling etc...would like to buy a book. There are little or no partnership opportunities in our firm's region as most senior brokers have either already retired, or are not looking to add a partner who cannot add immediate revenue.

Any ideas on the best way to find someone willing or looking to sell....Schwab/Advisor transitions/Outside agents etc...???

Any help is most appreciated!

Jul 31, 2010 4:06 pm

Too many buyers not enough sellers.

Aug 1, 2010 2:51 pm

FP Transitions, but they are expensive.  Good luck.  Why in the world did you ever want to be a branch manager?

Aug 2, 2010 1:23 pm

You should probably just start networking with local advisors.  The chances of landing something through one of the vendors or BD's is slim to none.  Look for some solo independant advisors that are older and maybe looking to transition their book.

Aug 2, 2010 6:20 pm

I hope some good comes out of this post.

By that I mean reps that give up a book to go into mangement only to loose everything  and start over!

Remember wirehouses will throw you under any bus that comes along!