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Bank of America posts getting deleted

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May 6, 2006 2:10 am

Who's deleting the topics about the cocky FA at B of A?  A friend of mine in Legal said somebody faxed over the deleted messages.  She's too low on the totem pole to know what happened next.  I guess they have the power to step into this forum and delete topics.  By the way, he is NOT an $800K producer.  Closer to $600K, which is still good, but maybe not good enough to avoid being fired.

May 6, 2006 12:22 pm

Cant believe the post is gone.What is his name? It is scary to think that B of A would be involved in getting message deleted.


May 7, 2006 2:14 am

I find it hard to believe that someone producing even 600K can be that stupid.

May 7, 2006 3:17 am

There are a lot of stupid, high-producing brokers at B of A.  They paraded a few of them during the Fleet merger.  They were locked in with either an excellent Premier Bank Client Manager or were able to get referrals from Private Bank.  They had only 3 to 4 years experience but were able to take advantage of the B of A name.  When talking to them, they sounded like idiots and had little knowledge of anything else except for wrap accounts.  Unfortunately, on the Northeast Coast, B of A doesn’t have that type of presence or prestige. 

May 7, 2006 4:53 pm

west coast reps have 3-4 premier reps per in the ne it`s the opposite.Cant understand how the bank will get away with a higher payout grid for managed money( just ask M.S. how that went.)

May 7, 2006 6:51 pm

I don't think Ken Lewis has "jurisdiction" over what's posted here. Most likely the missing posts were deleted by the editor if they contained profanity or an individual broker's name.

Your comments are of interest to me. Care to discuss this in a more private "forum" such as e-mailing me at:

[email protected]

GOOG(le) the above if you wish. I am not affiliated with BAC or their legal department.

May 8, 2006 12:03 pm


Cant understand how the bank will get away with a higher payout grid for managed money( just ask M.S. how that went.)


MS, and most every other wirehouse (if not all) have a higher grid for "asset based" business, which includes managed money. So far as I know there's never been a problem with it at MS or anywhere else.