BAI to Merrill conversion
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For any of the former BAI advisors that were part of the 1st wave of conversions over this past week, how has been the experience been so far?
For me, very fustrated wtih the householding on wmw, its a mess!!!.. Since SDI , we've noticed that nearly every household was converted with multiple profiles for the same client. In some cases 6 &7 profiles. ! We can't see our annuites values anywhere on the system either.
Weekly conversion tomorrow call should be very interesting!
I hear it's gone wonderfully! Who here joined BAI to actually join ML?!? The smart FAs left and got PAID already. I'm frankly surprised by anyone who is not downing the ML koolaid at ML at this point. ML is not bad, and for many is a good option. But, you could have been actually PAID to go there and deal with this bs.