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Nov 9, 2009 2:13 am

I was curious what the latest is to back out from a deal. Havent signed anything etc…

Nov 9, 2009 2:39 am

I would say if you havent signed you don’t have a commitment so you are free to do what you want

Nov 9, 2009 3:18 am

I was curious what the latest is to back out from a deal. Havent signed anything etc…

The time leading up to moving was HORRIBLE.   
I was miserable.   
I know what your going through.
I went back and forth a million times.


Its a lot of moolay.
You will probably get 80-95% of your book
You will purge people you REALLY don't want but do not realize
It will re-energize you

Chances are pretty good you will be glad you did it AFTER you go though the hell of doing it.

Nov 9, 2009 1:22 pm

Nestegg and Shania are right. 

  If you have more specific issues/questions then let us know as we could possibly give you some comments from our experience.