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BAC hits MER Ice Berg...The Hull is Cracking

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Jan 14, 2009 11:50 pm

The carnage from this is unreal…and am fortunate to be watching the these hulking tankers sink from the shore. Layers and layers of useless  AVP’s, VP’s and SVP’s, all non revenue producing bureacrats who actually thought they had value or were adding value are being exposed as Charlotte-tans.

The arrogant smirk of many of those individuals is now being replaced with slack jawed and wide eyed fear.  This is their new reality which was the old reality minus the fantasy of "scale and scope".
Jan 14, 2009 11:54 pm

[quote=daytradah]The carnage from this is unreal…and am fortunate to be watching the these hulking tankers sink from the shore. Layers and layers of useless  AVP’s, VP’s and SVP’s, all non revenue producing bureacrats who actually thought they had value or were adding value are being exposed as Charlotte-tans.

The arrogant smirk of many of those individuals is now being replaced with slack jawed and wide eyed fear.  This is their new reality which was the old reality minus the fantasy of "scale and scope".[/quote]

Great post daytradah!

Jan 15, 2009 1:37 am

I heard 5 Regionals Directors (very sr. position) where dumped today, can any MER guys confirm this?

Jan 16, 2009 3:45 am

Yes, my complex manager said they are timming many high level - high salary execs to get the expenses down.