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Anybody know anything about working as a PNC Advisor?

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Oct 20, 2010 2:40 am

A recruiter called me (western PA area) regarding an opportunity to work as a branch based advisor. Not necessarily my style as I thought product  mix was fairly limited, but some guys seem to stay. Any insights are appreciated!

Oct 21, 2010 5:01 pm

Although I am no fan of JP Morgan Chase, I'd highly suggest the bank based Chase Investments opportunity as a better alternative to PNC.  If you're successful and doing $300k or more, then Wells is the only place to be.  Chase and PNC both hire new and smaller performing FAs, Wells does not for good reason.  If you have US Bank in your neck of the woods, I'd also suggest that as a better option than PNC.

Oct 21, 2010 5:29 pm

Before you or anyone ever considers taking a bank job, you'd be very wise to make sure that you are not being hired to pimp out product, or some sort of concept. The best bank gig, is where they allow you to sell stocks, bonds, funds, wraps, annuities....SOLEY based upon the needs of the client. A bank job can also entail ridiculous amounts of BS work. Training/working with bankers, participating in all sorts of time wasting activities.

I've worked at three banks. The first two were good to very good experiences, the last one a complete nightmare that I ran from. Some of the smaller regional banks by the way, can be gold. The staff, and the deposit situation cannot be overlooked when looking at these options.

And get the offer/expectations in writing. Banks are notorious for changing things quite dramatically every couple years. If you are in a position where you are being recruited, as compared to begging for a job, then for crying out loud, make sure that you don't get taken to the cleaners when said bank program goes Mickey Mouse on you.  

Oct 21, 2010 8:24 pm

Your insights are much appreciated! T-12 is @300k (I was in management and am now rebuilding a book as a producer.... my postion as eliminated).

Just don't want to be running from branch to branch selling annuities, definitely not my style, but if I can actually help clients and make a decent living it makes sense.

Oct 22, 2010 3:44 pm


And get the offer/expectations in writing. Banks are notorious for changing things quite dramatically every couple years. If you are in a position where you are being recruited, as compared to begging for a job, then for crying out loud, make sure that you don't get taken to the cleaners when said bank program goes Mickey Mouse on you.  


I agree. If you have a largely fee-based book and you want to grow the same further and leverage a bank program, Wells F is probably your best bet amongst the biggies.