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Sep 11, 2007 12:39 am

Is anyone here doing financial education at smaller companies as a way to introduce yourself and obtain new clients?

Sep 11, 2007 1:04 am


Sep 11, 2007 1:39 am

Yes. This is a GREAT way to pick up clients. It also works at very large

companies. If you have a company with a few thousand employees, it’s a

nice way to get in front of prospects year after year. If the employer is

too small, you don’t have much of a population to talk to. If you become

the “expert” on a big employers 401K plan, you can become the “go-to

guy”. It doesn’t have to be a headquarters, either. It can just be a

regional site. Also, make sure it’s the right type of employee. Hotels,

restaurants, retail, etc. - NO. Look for employers that have long tenured

employees (lifers with huge 401K balances). Nothing like a guy making

50K a year that has a 750K 401K at retirement because he worked 35

years for them.

Sep 11, 2007 1:46 am

I saw this in Investment News, September 3rd,  " More than 80% of employees said that they would use a financial planning option if their employers covered a portion of the services as part of a benefit package, according to the 2007 Ameriprise Workplace Financial Planning Benefit Decision Study. "

Yeah, exactly, nothing like a guy making 50k a year that has 750 in a 401k - that's exactly who wants our help, the whole mentality is there, versus various hotshots who think they can do it themself.

Are you talking about being the advisor on the plan, or just becoming known as the area expert?