Scott Brooks Rollover Coach
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Has anyone ever heard of this guy or used his product
I get e-mails all the time. I think it’s good for the newbie trying to break into the rollover game. But for most experienced FA’s, it’s pretty elementary. He tries to spin things like 72(t), Age 55 Rule, NUA, etc. as some “hidden secret” that nobody knows about, that he is going to reveal to you. I learned many of the things he talks about through trial and error my first 6 months on the job (like never let the client call Fidelity for a rollover by themselves - always do it with them in the office - Fidelity is great at scaring clients away from moving their money to you…"oh, the fees…we’re FREE!..have you read the “Special Tax Notice”? buIIshit, etc.).
Not bad advice, but nothing I would consider “revolutionary”. It might be worth it if you are in a market with a lot of big employers and you are strictly a rollover guy. Might give you some insight.
So pretty basic stuff, not worth the $250 or whatever it is to get the package?