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Dec 31, 2009 3:24 pm

[quote=Wet_Blanket]Okay, now it has peaked my interest.  If your theory is true, then that’s impressive.[/quote]

Question:  What does your tagline mean?  Nice avatar by the way.

  It's a quote from a song by a Swedish Viking Rock Band:  "It's a Party in Valhalla!"   It was more appropriate when I had a Viking in my avatar, not a dancing Korean girl.
Dec 31, 2009 3:25 pm

Then cool tagline.

Dec 31, 2009 3:28 pm

It’s a great song.  I used to have it on vinyl, but haven’t been able to find it anywhere (the song or the record). 

Dec 31, 2009 3:37 pm

[quote=Wet_Blanket] ] If you believe in God, and God created everything with purpose, then why did he

...[/quote] This question typically comes from those that believe they can rationalize and intellectualize God and that's a false path. I do believe there is a purpose, He made it, and I am helping to fulfill it. I don't need to know why; I need to come to Him with an open heart.     I don't have a conflict in my relationship with Jesus Christ and my understanding of homosexuals. [quote=Ronnie Dobbs]
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
....[/quote]   Ronnie - I think it's great you have read at least this far into the Bible, and encourage you to read to understand the word.  If you want to understand Leviticus, then change the manner in which you eat, because it is clearly laid out what is clean and not. Change the manner in which you address those with illnesses, because it is clearly laid out. Be careful not to wear wool/poly blends, for these are hybrids and unclean. Be wary of any genetically altered foods (which, by the way, would be nearly all foods at this time).   Leviticus is important because he states the need to cleanse yourself of those things and to bring yourself to God in a pure state. Few Christians today care whether or not he binds himself to the eating habits as laid out in Leviticus. Could you imagine a Christian church that would prevent a blind man from bringing offerings to the alter because he was unpure? This is Leviticus.   If ... as many have stated here ... these are all sins, and all sins are equal ... then the very clothing on Spaceman's back condemn him in the eyes of the Lord. But I do believe you can understand and adhere to the spirit of the Leviticus and the Bible, by allowing God to reveal himself to you. There is a forest, and there are trees.   Not that I think you will Ronnie, but I suggest you read the Bible a bit more and take some understanding away from it. God gave us the capacity to think, and in your case I honestly think he was more generous than for many. Have a prosperous and faithful New Year.    
Dec 31, 2009 3:54 pm


  That's not dancing!
Dec 31, 2009 7:37 pm

Finally, why is your YEARS of experience dealing with children not on your broker check report? Hopefully you are not basing your opinions on a three month, 4 hour a week internship during a semester.

Either A). You didn't even look at it, or B). You can't comprehend it well. ODECC stands for Oklahoma Diagnostics and Evaluation Center for Children. It's a state program to evaluate state custody children and whether or not they are safe to enter back into the environment, whether they need to be kept in foster care, put in a group home, juvenile center, rehab, psych ward, or given back to their parents.  The children are evaluated, logs are kept on their behavior, medications are administered for whatever medications they require, and after 20 days a decision is made on whether or not they are fit to be put back into society. So yes, working there for years and having a degree in psych, gives me the right to have a discussion on the topic.   So stop with the BS already...
Dec 31, 2009 8:06 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

Finally, why is your YEARS of experience dealing with children not on your broker check report? Hopefully you are not basing your opinions on a three month, 4 hour a week internship during a semester.

Either A). You didn't even look at it, or B). You can't comprehend it well. ODECC stands for Oklahoma Diagnostics and Evaluation Center for Children. It's a state program to evaluate state custody children and whether or not they are safe to enter back into the environment, whether they need to be kept in foster care, put in a group home, juvenile center, rehab, psych ward, or given back to their parents.  The children are evaluated, logs are kept on their behavior, medications are administered for whatever medications they require, and after 20 days a decision is made on whether or not they are fit to be put back into society. So yes, working there for years and having a degree in psych, gives me the right to have a discussion on the topic.   So stop with the BS already...[/quote]   Jones has a program like that.  We call it Eval/Grad. 
Dec 31, 2009 8:44 pm


  Your posts regarding your feelings regarding people who think differently than you tells me one thing; EDJ made the right hire.   And if your definition of being Christian is that you can't or won't accept other peoples behaviors, you shouldn't accept the RL position on either coast. What do you do when an FA introduces his or her partner at the next trip...walk over to the other side of the room. If a gay prospect comes to you do you run them over to the next FA who isn't as bigoted as you? I wouldn't want my kid to be gay? Well Spiff, I wouldn't want my kid to live in a world where they would be judged not for the content of their character but their preference in the bedroom.   Dude you need to review your perfect life and stop being so damn critical. Keep your feelings to yourself. You should repeat your tagline ten times before you post. There may not be any intelligence between your ears...Calvin is definitely twisting right now.[/quote]   See, and we were having a civil discussion about something not brokerage related and you go and pull EDJ back into it.  Dude, you've got issues. (changing to sarcasm so people dont' get their panties in a wad) I think you might be a Jones bigot.    Was I up for an RL position on the east coast?  I must have missed that memo.  Just FYI we have gay people here in the midwest also.    I have to tell you that when EDJ decided that they were going to allow same sex partners into the benefits arena and on Div Trips, I almost left the company.  Some of you left because of payout, revenue sharing, or how a situation was handled, I almost left because of that.  I actually called my dad and talked about it with him.  He told me that I was going to be hard pressed to find another company that didn't have those same rules.  His recommendation was to stay put, but to make sure I at least spoke up about it if I had the opportunity.    If an FA with his same sex partner shows up on a Div Trip and introduces himself, then I'll shake his hand, shake his partners hand, and go on my way.  It's not like I'm acting like a 7 year old boy who just had a girl with cooties touch him.  I'd act the same way if someone told me they were a democrat.  The beauty of this country is that you have the right to your opinion, even if I think it's wrong.    I don't know that I've defined what it means to me to be a Christian.  I can if you'd like, but I don't know that anyone else really wants me to preach to them.  Not that I'm not willing and able, mind you.  I will tell you it has much more to do with my relationship with God than with what I think of someone else's choices in life.  I have enough trouble trying to live my own life to a higher standard.    Why do I have to keep my feelings to myself, but it's OK to for you to call me a bigot?  Don't you see the screaming hypocrisy in that statement?   You can relax with the worrying about your kids being judged by their choices in the bedreeom rather than their character.  Good thing about the world today is that you can pretty much do whatever you feel like and nobody's going to say anything about it.  They're all afraid that you'll sue them for discrimination. 
Dec 31, 2009 8:55 pm

[quote=Spaceman Spiff] [quote=BigCheese]Spiff-

Your posts regarding your feelings regarding people who think differently than you tells me one thing; EDJ made the right hire.

And if your definition of being Christian is that you can’t or won’t accept other peoples behaviors, you shouldn’t accept the RL position on either coast. What do you do when an FA introduces his or her partner at the next trip…walk over to the other side of the room.

If a gay prospect comes to you do you run them over to the next FA who isn’t as bigoted as you? I wouldn’t want my kid to be gay? Well Spiff, I wouldn’t want my kid to live in a world where they would be judged not for the content of their character but their preference in the bedroom.

Dude you need to review your perfect life and stop being so damn critical. Keep your feelings to yourself. You should repeat your tagline ten times before you post. There may not be any intelligence between your ears…Calvin is definitely twisting right now.[/quote]

See, and we were having a civil discussion about something not brokerage related and you go and pull EDJ back into it. Dude, you’ve got issues. (changing to sarcasm so people dont’ get their panties in a wad) I think you might be a Jones bigot.

Was I up for an RL position on the east coast? I must have missed that memo. Just FYI we have gay people here in the midwest also.

I have to tell you that when EDJ decided that they were going to allow same sex partners into the benefits arena and on Div Trips, I almost left the company. Some of you left because of payout, revenue sharing, or how a situation was handled, I almost left because of that. I actually called my dad and talked about it with him. He told me that I was going to be hard pressed to find another company that didn’t have those same rules. His recommendation was to stay put, but to make sure I at least spoke up about it if I had the opportunity.

If an FA with his same sex partner shows up on a Div Trip and introduces himself, then I’ll shake his hand, shake his partners hand, and go on my way. It’s not like I’m acting like a 7 year old boy who just had a girl with cooties touch him. I’d act the same way if someone told me they were a democrat. The beauty of this country is that you have the right to your opinion, even if I think it’s wrong.

I don’t know that I’ve defined what it means to me to be a Christian. I can if you’d like, but I don’t know that anyone else really wants me to preach to them. Not that I’m not willing and able, mind you. I will tell you it has much more to do with my relationship with God than with what I think of someone else’s choices in life. I have enough trouble trying to live my own life to a higher standard.

Why do I have to keep my feelings to myself, but it’s OK to for you to call me a bigot? Don’t you see the screaming hypocrisy in that statement?

You can relax with the worrying about your kids being judged by their choices in the bedreeom rather than their character. Good thing about the world today is that you can pretty much do whatever you feel like and nobody’s going to say anything about it. They’re all afraid that you’ll sue them for discrimination. [/quote]

Spiff, my firm doesn’t allow same sex partners.
Dec 31, 2009 9:13 pm

Spiff, my firm doesn’t allow same sex partners.

Dec 31, 2009 9:39 pm

as long as you understand, spiff, that many of us who consider ourselves VERY Christian also do not interpret the bible the same as you do. Which is fine; we can disagree on the “law” stuff and agree on the “grace” stuff. we will disagree on the “gay” stuff right up until we meet in heaven. (the original greek can be interpreted many ways; the word “homosexual” first appeared in the bible in 1946 about 100 years after the word was invented. It could be argued that Paul was referring to acts which would still be illegal today-- not referring to orientation. Point is: BOTH SIDES HAVE MERIT. WE MOVE ON)

Dec 31, 2009 9:53 pm

I don't disagree with you.  That's the reason we have so many different denominations today.  The Lutherans read certain passages one way, Methodists another, and Baptists another.  You've got to find one that you believe to be true. 

Paul spoke most about sexual immorality.  In the NIV he only uses the word homosexual in 1 Cor.  However, the verse in Lev that Wind posted earlier is really difficult to sugar coat or rationalize away the obvious meaning.  Paul knew that most of the people he was writing to knew well the passages like that one.  If he knew that they knew what sexually immoral actually meant he really didn't need to spell out what he was talking about.  Unless, like in 1 Cor, he wanted to make a specific point.      I realize I'm not going to change any minds on this one.  It was never my intent to do so.  My original comment, some 25 pages ago, was intended as a bit of humor.  Evidently I touched a nerve.     
Dec 31, 2009 10:38 pm

This thread is so gay.

Dec 31, 2009 11:53 pm

I know Democrats that agree with Spiff on the bible, and I know Repblcns that agree with me on this particular point. it is not so easy.

  (PS Paul NEVER used the word homosexual; he wrote in Greek! Therein lies the problem....)
Jan 1, 2010 12:17 am

And the use of the word in Lev is also the same problem…different language, culture, audience, etc. MUCH ROOM for varied interpretations; no way to be CERTAIN except strictly as a matter of faith not fact. Therefore to disagree is fine; to condemn another for a different interpretation is …well I better stop. Live and let live.

Jan 1, 2010 1:11 am

All very well put newnew

Jan 1, 2010 1:39 pm

[quote=newnew]I know Democrats that agree with Spiff on the bible, and I know Repblcns that agree with me on this particular point. it is not so easy.

  (PS Paul NEVER used the word homosexual; he wrote in Greek! Therein lies the problem....)[/quote]

The word "abortion" is not in the bible. ...neither is Ipod.
All knowing God; why didn't he know about the Ipod?
Jan 1, 2010 4:43 pm

or dinosaurs or Noth American Indians, or…Brett Farve

Jan 1, 2010 11:43 pm

I need a beer.

I'll buy you one.
Jan 2, 2010 12:14 am

I liked Volt. His threads were centered around business. Not garbage like this.