STC and Series 7
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Im scheduled to take my 7 on the 12th of Sept, and I have been studying using STC materials. However, no matter how much I study I am not doing any better on the practice exams(first time through 11 of 13 so far)Last exam was a 40. After I correct exams, I do alot better when I retake them, but some of the answers I memorized so I dont feel that this is helping me. Anyone out there using STC or know if this study method is setting me up to fail? thanks,
I would be worried with a 40. You need to learn the whole study book, then work through each practice exam in study mode. There will always be about 10% of the questions that don’t seem like they were directly taught, but by the time you get to Exan number 7 I think 80% of the questions are either in the study book or discussed in the answers of the previous exams. Closing your eyes you should get a 25% right? 40 is way to low.
I used the passperfect book and also the barrons study guide. I felt that the barrons gave me a good overview and passperfect really brought home the little details. maybe stc is not written in a good language for you to understand.
I agree with Cmoney. I would add to put down the book and take as many PassPerfect tests you can and then take some more until you throw up. I woke up at 5:30am the day of the exam and took practice tests to get me in the mindset.
Ok I’m a starting to bug out now. I am taking my test on Sept. 1st and I have been studying for 8 weeks, took a class and have been doing the tests over and over again. Writing down the answers I have been getting wrong and the explanation behind them and I’m still only scoring in mid to high 60's. What do I do? Any advice please share.
Keep doing what you are doing and pray that you get a 70 (or better) on September 1st.
What study material are you using? I used Dearborn for the S7 and just did the exams over and over till the material was assimilated. I was surprised by the number of questions on the real test that were identical to the Dearborn exam questions. Good luck.
Questions Questions Questions take at least 200 of them per day. Most of the practice test questions are very similiar to the actual series 7 questions.
Ok I’m a starting to bug out now. I am taking my test on Sept. 1st and I have been studying for 8 weeks, took a class and have been doing the tests over and over again. Writing down the answers I have been getting wrong and the explanation behind them and I’m still only scoring in mid to high 60's. What do I do? Any advice please share.
Repeat 25 times daily: "Thank you sir, would you like some fries or an apple pie with that?"
ok to give you all an update, i went home last night and rewrote my notes from the class i took, 3 times. This morning and afternoon i took 2 tests that were closed book and i scored a 74 and an 86. So i think i am going to do that tonight again and tomorrow, then i should be ready for the 1st.
Good Luck. Study the answers that you got wrong and understand why you got them wrong.
[quote=Beach]Failed and fired. Guess it wasn't in the cards. [/quote]
That sucks. Sorry dude.
sorry to hear that! Are you giving up or are you going to take it again? Lots of people flunk the first time