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Jesus comes to Jones!

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Mar 17, 2009 10:26 pm
Mar 17, 2009 10:47 pm

[quote=wind3574]Hey guys,

I am a newly hired FA at Edward Jones. I have been reading many of these posts through out the interview process and find this site very informative and up to date. Although i have a B.A. in Psych and am finishing up my MBA,  I am starting a totally new career. I have sales experience and know of all the struggles and everything that comes along with this career. I start August 11th with my Study For Success and Exams. The question i have is this:   What is the Know Your Customer and/or Graduation dates in St. Louis consist of? Is it very streneous or is it like alot of training i have been to for past jobs that consisted of a few hours of sleeping in class and then everyone going out every night. I am just curious what to expect.   Thanks alot guys..  [/quote] [quote=wind3574]Well i left a 30K job to start a career with Jones. I have never worked a commission only position so its a little new to me. I have a bachelors and a masters so i could probably find a job anywhere from 60K-100K, but i hear this opportunity is like no other so im willing to give it a whirl. I live in Oklahoma City, so i guess its safe to say there are enough people here. Is anyone going to KYC in Oct?[/quote]   Spiff I think you can figure out who he is from these quotes by Windy in which ironically you were the following post on both. Maybe you are inadvertently mentoring him and that's why he's doing so well.
Mar 17, 2009 11:01 pm

If I were mentoring him, I wouldn’t let him post on this forum. 

  I'll see if I can find anything out.  I'll let you folks know.    
Mar 17, 2009 11:19 pm


I agree if he were a newbee, he would not have time to post as he has if he were working. Also, I started with Jones in 2000 and I did the door knocking and had some success, but Okies are not that easy to get to make changes. My experience is that you might get one or two to make an immediate change, but most of mine came a long time after the original door knock. Even Jones says that it takes about seven contacts to create a customer, but it takes more than that to move big assets to a rookie. Either he has a niche, family or is extremely lucky. I would guess he will be gone for whatever reason in 12 months.
Mar 17, 2009 11:37 pm


I agree if he were a newbee, he would not have time to post as he has if he were working. Also, I started with Jones in 2000 and I did the door knocking and had some success, but Okies are not that easy to get to make changes. My experience is that you might get one or two to make an immediate change, but most of mine came a long time after the original door knock. Even Jones says that it takes about seven contacts to create a customer, but it takes more than that to move big assets to a rookie. Either he has a niche, family or is extremely lucky. I would guess he will be gone for whatever reason in 12 months.[/quote]   Go back and take his f***ing name of this board.  He may be a douche, but you are ten times the douche for putting his career in jeopardy on a f***ing message board.
Mar 17, 2009 11:50 pm

He obviously is not worried about it or he would not disclose the info that would identify him. I don’t know if that is his name or not, it is strictly a guess that his home office could also figure out if I can. If his posts here give enough info to jeopardize his career, he should not postthe info.

Mar 17, 2009 11:56 pm

ok…now I know for sure he’s full of it…just look at his picture…he has a babyface…no chance people are handing him their statements at the door and signing transfer paperwork.   Sorry Spiffy…while I believe you that you have seen it…but it ain’t so here!  Not to mention what kind of moron puts his name on this kind of thread…that’s the guy I want in charge of my future!!! 

  I think we should post his phone number and have everyone give him a call and ask how they can jumpstart their career like he did.  HA   DJ...all kidding aside, I hope it's all true and I would happily eat my words...but even if it isn't I wish you lots of luck in your career.  But use common sense and never put your real name/info on this type of thread.   There are people who will post all of your contact info etc on here and believe me...somewhere somehow, someone in st. Louis would find out and you could truly lose your job!
Mar 17, 2009 11:59 pm

He obviously is not worried about it or he would not disclose the info that would identify him. I don’t know if that is his name or not, it is strictly a guess that his home office could also figure out if I can. If his posts here give enough info to jeopardize his career, he should not postthe info.

  Just because he is a moron, doesn't excuse you for being a douche.  Delete the post.
Mar 18, 2009 12:31 am

[quote=iceco1d]Pretty easy to figure out who the class-acts are on this board, and who the genuine d|ckheads are. 

  Outting the guy is bullsh|t and I hope you get banned.  [/quote]

I second that.

Mar 18, 2009 12:31 am

ednomore, delete your post.  Newbies often don’t understand the ramifications.  You do.  Don’t f*** with someone’s ability to earn a living.

Mar 18, 2009 12:51 am

I deleted the post and I hope it makes you all feel better. I still say he is the one who should not give enough info that I could make a wild guess at who he is because his home office could figure it out if I can, and I was just guessing.

Mar 18, 2009 1:54 am

Iceco1d… I have visited the site you reference in your signature but it seems as if no one ever posts there. What’s the deal?

Mar 18, 2009 12:42 pm

[quote=Hey Kool-Aid] ok…now I know for sure he’s full of it…just look at his picture…he has a babyface…no chance people are handing him their statements at the door and signing transfer paperwork. Sorry Spiffy…while I believe you that you have seen it…but it ain’t so here! Not to mention what kind of moron puts his name on this kind of thread…that’s the guy I want in charge of my future!!!

I think we should post his phone number and have everyone give him a call and ask how they can jumpstart their career like he did. HA DJ…all kidding aside, I hope it’s all true and I would happily eat my words…but even if it isn’t I wish you lots of luck in your career. But use common sense and never put your real name/info on this type of thread. There are people who will post all of your contact info etc on here and believe me…somewhere somehow, someone in st. Louis would find out and you could truly lose your job![/quote]

I tried calling. I have family in Norman and OKC - I’m going to have them go harass him. But I guess he won’t be in the office - he’ll be out hitting the doors. I wonder if he knocked on my uncle’s door…

Mar 18, 2009 12:56 pm

You know, I’m curious.

What is this fascination with Edward D. Jones anyway? There are a number of their offices in my area, but they can’t operate in the same arena as I do, so they’re no threat to my business. Do you guys travel in those same circles as the Jones people? Are they really serious competitors? If so, you need to raise you sights and function where they can’t.

As to the rook putting up big numbers, maybe he is and maybe he isn’t. Do you really care? He’s out a couple of months, so hopefully he can sustain. Best of luck to him in any case. But the rest of you need to focus less upon him and more upon your own work. These are great days to be prospecting and they won’t last forever!

Mar 18, 2009 1:20 pm


Mar 18, 2009 1:52 pm

At this point Wind I could only recommend one of two things…

  A) Just do what you do and never come on this rediculous forum again or B) Start again on here under another name and tone it down a little   Getting wrapped up in this BS is like a cancer and it will eat at you all day. You can not control other people on this forum so do what you can control. You have gotten a dose of the ugly side because of your own fault so get off or change your id and use this forum as a resource and not a scoreboard. Good luck going forward and don't look backward.
Mar 18, 2009 2:19 pm


Mar 18, 2009 3:05 pm

[quote=JAXSON] At this point Wind I could only recommend one of two things…

A) Just do what you do and never come on this rediculous forum again or

B) Start again on here under another name and tone it down a little

Getting wrapped up in this BS is like a cancer and it will eat at you all day. You can not control other people on this forum so do what you can control. You have gotten a dose of the ugly side because of your own fault so get off or change your id and use this forum as a resource and not a scoreboard. Good luck going forward and don’t look backward.[/quote]

Yes. Rediculous.

It’s worth my time because it’s fun.

I compete with Jones on a few levels, so for me it is fun to do this. I spend a lot of my time selling against Jones, so for me it is not a fruitless exercise. One thing I will point out is that if wind is putting up those numbers, he would be on one of those Uptick things where they have some guy who is doing really good come out and talk about why they are doing so well.

They had this NewNew in Hawaii a few years back who was putting up numbers close to what wind was doing, but not quite. They had him on those broadcasts like he was the second coming. Interestingly enough, did NOT receive most of his business from doorknocking (like he said on TV).

But I guess it’s possible.
Mar 18, 2009 3:36 pm

Now that we’ve all had our fun, I’d second the motion to consider coming back under a different user name and consider carefully when you post, the clues you may be leaving.  This forum can be an entertaining, sometimes useful, and sometimes time-wasting diversion.  For us independents and jonesies, who are often one-man offices, it’s a virtual water cooler that gives us an opportunity to interact with peers.

  I didn't see your name posted, but due to the clues left behind, even my limited investigatory skills figured out who you were.  I'm not interested in posting your name and causing you problems (even though I had some fun referencing some of your favorite stocks), but if you get in the wrong spat with the wrong person, it can happen quickly, as you can see.  You've been given some good advice, and I'm going to second a few things and add a couple of my own for your consideration...   1.  If you come back under a different name, don't reference things that will tell us that it's wind under a new name...people have long memories here. 2.  Particularly now, early in your career, limit your post time to lunchtime and after hours (you could be doing that already...just reinforcing the point).  When you are new and building, there is a tendency to have a big day or week and coast a bit after that.  Then a new month comes and the pipeline is empty.  This business has a high failure rate for a reason...don't coast on success. 3.  As others have said, tone down the "look at me" stuff.  There is a fine line between sharing a success story and coming off as "too big for your britches".  Some will take an innocent success story and tear it down out of sheer jealousy, but when you elicit the kind of backlash that you did, it should be apparent that you went a bit over the top crowing about your success.  $10,000 day?  Bully for you...we need success stories to tell people that it can still be done in a tough environment.  Just know when to quit.  In time, you will get a better feel for that. 4.  In that same vein, most here don't give a rat's rear about your credentials.  Credentials don't mean success and can be your worst enemy if you lean on those and just expect success to come to you because of your MBA.  Someone posted here not too long ago that the only people who don't graduate from MBA programs are those who's checks bounce.  I thought that was funny, but there's also a grain of truth in it.  Too many of our credential programs have been watered down in the quest for tuition revenue and that's one reason people don't put a lot of stock in credentials...too many idiots have them.  You seem like  a bright guy, but I'm telling you...99%+ of the people you meet don't care about your credentials...and the fraction of a percent that does may end up being your biggest problem clients.  I have a CPA and a CFP and rarely bring them up.  Frankly, they generate very little business and I may well have been more successful if I had spent the time that I spent pursuing those designations by instead building a business.  In my career, I think all of three people have come to me on the strength of my credentials and one of those I fired within a year, due to unrealistic expectations.  I've seriously considered removing my credentials from my business card. 5.  Get a thicker skin.  Hey, most of us have been there, and time fixes a lot of that.  People will give you crap on here and in the end, it's good for you...develops those mental callouses that will help you deal with a difficult client sitaution later.  When someone shovels you a load of crap, consider carefully whether it's worth getting angry and/or defensive about.  Odds are, 20 years from now, when you are closer to my age, you will find that stuff that ticked you off when you were young, doesn't even move the needle anymore.  Learn to give and take...and not be so quick to take offense.  That will help you in this business as much as anything. 6.  Read and study the 500-day war.  It's a post on this forum from a wise sage known as the judge that has a tremendous amount of widsom for new reps.  The Judge doesn't post much, but when he does, it's well worth reading.  Stokwiz is another one that posts infrequently, but posts quality stuff.  Figure out who these posters are, and read their stuff when you see it.  Some of it is as good as Nick Murray.  500-day war is good enough that many have suggested that it should be a "sticky" thread for easy reference.  I agree wholeheartedly with that notion (ADMIN?) 7.  Finally, this is for you specifically as a Jonesie.  We love to give Jonesies crap here and some are quite good at taking it and dishing it back (Spiff, B24, etc.).  Keep an open mind about where you want your career to take you.  Of course Jones wants you to live long and prosper with them, and there are plenty of examples of folks that do just that.  Likewise, there are plenty of examples of folks who leave the fold and flourish outside of Jones.  For the most part, they are not failures and they are not the devil, despite what management may tell you.  Management has a vested interest in telling you a mostly one-sided story.  I don't blame them...they should do everything in their power to make Jones a better and more profitable firm.  Anything less would be working against their best interests.  Just understand that sometimes, their best interest and your best interests are in conflict, and when that happens, don't expect them to put your best interests ahead of the firm's.  They may do that, but if they don't, you shouldn't be surprised or disappointed.  It's a business and they have a right to run it as such.  From what my wirehouse brethren tell me, the rhetoric there is just as slanted, if perhaps not quite as sheltered.  Certainly us indy and bank brokers often feel like we have taken the best path, so bias is everywhere.  If you put clients ahead of your interests and your interests ahead of the firm's interests, you'll do the right thing.  Don't ever buy into that crap of doing something because it's in the best interest of the firm.  When the chips are down, the firm may very well not repay the favor and you'll be left with a bitter taste in your mouth.   Lunchtime is over, so it's time for Indyone to get back to the task of making the world a better place while making a living for his family...
Mar 19, 2009 2:15 am

Nicely put, Indy. ++