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Edward Jones - selection process

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Mar 8, 2008 11:37 pm

At the moment I am in the interview process, application and personality test sent to recruiters to review. I thought their method of assessment is very good. I did the personality test first and they contacted me to complete the detailed application. I am assuming, (maybe incorrectly), that the personality profile showed I was suitable for the position. I am assuming they do not want to waste my time or theirs?

Also where is the F2F interviews held? and what is the elapsed time from the start to the end of this process?

Mar 8, 2008 11:52 pm

[quote=btomba]I am assuming, (maybe incorrectly), that the personality profile showed I was suitable for the position. I am assuming they do not want to waste my time or theirs?

Yes, it showed you were suitable for the position in the sense that you are breathing and and willing to take the job. 

Just kidding. 

A little bit.

Mar 9, 2008 12:20 am

F2F held at an FAs office. This interviewer was trained in the process, even though he/she is just another FA. For me, I got the offer a week or so later. Others had to endure more; one guy got a “no” after 2 months. Ameriprise took him in about a day, he said. He failed out of there in 9 months, so Jones got it right.

Mar 9, 2008 1:19 am

Thanks for the Info, I do not want to waste my time so my decision needs to be based on how well the company follows processes and somewhat the culture even though I am happy that I would be responsible, mostly if not all, for my own success. 

How frequently are GoodKnight startups offered?
Mar 9, 2008 3:00 am

they are really being emphasized now- Jones wants to end the “newnew” (start at zero) classification because the 3 year failuer rate is high.

Mar 9, 2008 5:58 am

What is EJ looking for in terms of work experience?  I know they want to see an upward trend in historical earnings.

Mar 9, 2008 1:23 pm

they are really being emphasized now- Jones wants to end the “newnew” (start at zero) classification because the 3 year failuer rate is high.

True, but the challenge I see is that you need to have (a) existing offices in the area you are looking, (b) and advisor that WANTS to do a GK in your area, and (3) an advisor that wants to do a GK with YOU. It's going to be a challenge if you want to open an office where there currently aren't any.
Mar 9, 2008 11:25 pm

right. but these areas are now few. I hear that newnews are done, but it might mean that you’re a newnew in all but name; having someone slip you a few mill to get started is not that helpful.

Mar 10, 2008 12:11 pm

right. but these areas are now few. I hear that newnews are done, but it might mean that you’re a newnew in all but name; having someone slip you a few mill to get started is not that helpful.

  You're right.  But it IS better than the alternative.  Jones can't manufacture accounts and guarantee success for someone wanting to to get into this business.  You also can't string someone along that obviously isn't going to make it anyway (iow, some people are going to fail out no matter how many assets they have - or should).    But I think they are dramatically improving the odds of success.
Mar 10, 2008 4:14 pm

Just offered a position with EDJ today (Monday).  Final F2F was Friday. 

  The whole process took about 6 weeks from the time I applied through my headhunter (non EDJ person).  I was not currently working so if you are, it may take another 2-3 weeks.  You will be given an online application to fill out with work history, salary, etc.  I waited about 2 weeks for them to contact me after I filled out the application.  You will then be contacted for a 20-30 minute phone interview.  Have a copy of your resume handy.  Basic questions: why did you leave your last job?, what did you like most/did not like about your last job, why are you applying for this position?  They will call back in 2-3 days to schedule you to meet with your town's EDJ office with an FA (not an interview, but do dress in a suite anyway).  He/she will tell you about the positives and negatives about being an FA.  EDJ will then contact you and ask you questions about the office visit.  Then comes the phone interview with a hiring specialist.  Tell me about a time when you went outside the box to network?  Questions can get a little aggressive, so be prepared for situational-type answers.  Also, they did ask me basic questions about what I knew about financials.  They told me at the end of this call that they would move me on in the process.  About 2-3 days later, they contacted me and e-mailed me a field exercise (interview folks in your community by doorknocking) and sent me the name of an FA to interview with.  His office about 40 minutes from home.  He had experience with interviewing and did a good job.  Questions were basic, some already asked.  Basically, about the field exercise.    God, sorry if I went on an on here!  I hope to help out some people like others did for me.  Thanks to all of you that helped me with my postings and getting me through the process!
Mar 10, 2008 4:50 pm

Welcome to the firm. Best of luck.

Mar 10, 2008 5:13 pm

What no hug icon? 

Mar 10, 2008 6:06 pm


Mar 10, 2008 6:51 pm

Cerpen…thanks for the info…I submitted my app online the other day…

Mar 10, 2008 8:01 pm

If you don’t mind me asking…what kind of wrok experience do you have?  I’m trying to guage if certain professional backgrounds are more advantageous than other.

Mar 10, 2008 8:07 pm

Thanks, Miss Jones!

  Spaceman, here ya go baby..........         PS  I'm looking forward to training.  I'm sure this will be easier than the job itself...ha..ha  
Mar 10, 2008 8:10 pm

lamba, I came from sales and sales training.  I have about 15 yrs total with selling in 2 different fields.  As far as I know though, EJ does hire folks without sales or financial backgrounds.  You may want to open this question to some of the EJers on the board.

  You will be 2 weeks ahead of me, so keep me posted on the training.  I start 4/7.
Mar 10, 2008 8:12 pm

Sorry.  Getmethod, the last post was also for you.

Mar 11, 2008 8:01 pm

I also just got hired with EJ - they put me through the ringer.

1. Personality Test 2. "Phone Screen" - Logistics. 3. Phone Interview Easy questions, like what do you understand about the position, likes and dislikes of current jobs. 4. Behavior - Based phone interview. HARD questions, like "Tell me about several times when you conquered the world with all odds against you, etc'." I would recommend googling "behavior-based" interviews and getting lots of sample questions and then PRACTICING your answers out loud! Sounds cheesy, but do it. 5. Rejection letter! I failed the behavior based interview. Probably because I didn't practice and was rambling and stumped at the hard questions. Then I talked to my RL, who managed to trump my rejection letter. 6. Face to face interview. This I actually thought was the easiest of all. More basic questions along the lines of why you want to work for EJ, what are your strengths, why are you choosing EJ, etc. I would recommend SERIOUSLY studying the EJ "Responsibilities and Expectations" guide, they asked me many questions that I referred directly back to the guide.   Good Luck! RC
Mar 11, 2008 8:15 pm

How long was the process from start to offer?