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Nov 17, 2009 10:50 pm
Hey Kool-Aid:

Can’t we all just get along???

  Every time someone says this I get that damn David Lee Murphy song stuck in my head.
Nov 17, 2009 10:52 pm
Hey Kool-Aid:

Can’t we all just get along???

    I have a feeling that volt is going to be more courteous and polite going forward.
Nov 17, 2009 10:57 pm

[quote=Hey Kool-Aid]Can’t we all just get along???

    I have a feeling that volt is going to be more courteous and polite going forward.[/quote]

lol - Go waste your time and google me some more stalker. You've proven nothing except that you can't tell the difference between real life and a forum.  I know you have a man crush on me, it's sweet. 
Nov 17, 2009 10:58 pm

If anyone wants to know my real name, address, phone number, or jerk off to my picture like JEB … just PM me.  Happy to share.  About 5 of you know me already anyway

Nov 17, 2009 11:01 pm

PM me … please!  I’ll share with anyone.

Nov 17, 2009 11:03 pm

PM me … please!  I’ll share with anyone.

  PM sent.  Feel Better?
Nov 17, 2009 11:06 pm

[quote=voltmoie]PM me … please!  I’ll share with anyone.

  PM sent.  Feel Better? [/quote]

I do, I do! 

At the point where you actually start to google someone's screenname off this forum you've got to ask yourself what type of human you are.  How pathetic is your life that you want to track someone down.  It's sad honestly. 

Did your dad leave as a child?  Did mommy not love you?  Is your life so bad you spend your time trying to find out who people are so you can act as though you have leverage over them? I feel sad for the guy.  He needs to go for  a run.  Read a book.  Meet a girl.  Get a dog.  Whatever ...  I'm sure he'll OUT me.... OHHH NOOOOO ... and then bask in his 30 seconds of fame. YAWN
Nov 17, 2009 11:12 pm

Guessing he’s searching for me on trying to figure out which “John” I am.

Anyway, I’m at 17 points today.  Need to make some calls or set an appointment. I’ll be back to see my name and jones link posted in a bit. 

Nov 17, 2009 11:45 pm
PM volt sent to me.   Think I give two sh#ts you know my name?  Think again. Do what you gotta do with your 3 screenames.     I dislike when people are outed, but I also dislike morons who sit behind a keyboard and act like pricks.  Funny, your report on Finra seems to contradict many of your posts.  As I have said before, the person who talks the loudest is trying to cover up something, and it would seem to be the case with you.   Just be grateful that I am the one who found out who you are.  Many other members of this board would not be so kind as to simply remind you to clean up your act.  Keep in mind, I enjoy the occasional squabble, have participated in many myself.  I also am aware that Jones does not care if you post here, however I am certain that your propensity to sling gay slurs and act as a prick in general violates Jones company policy.  You should rethink your challenge.  BTW, I didn't just pick a name out of the air.  No need to search, but nice try anyway.
Nov 17, 2009 11:46 pm

I have set three appts each of the last two days.  I don't think I've done that since eval/grad. (I've set three, just not on consecutive days, I don't think, although this is the first time I am tracking it, so I can't be sure.) Anyways, I'm filling up my calendar, so, good stuff, especially since some of these have been really tough ones. I'm gonna go for a week-long streak.

Nov 17, 2009 11:54 pm

I also am aware that Jones does not care if you post here, however I am certain that your propensity to sling gay slurs and act as a prick in general violates Jones company policy.

Ding, Ding, Ding...give the man a prize.  The firm policy used to reference this site and the forums specifically as the example of what is permitted.  It also said that your participation in the site was as a representative of the firm and that you should act accordingly.    I know, I know, you're going to argue that you aren't representing EDJ, you're on here for the knowledge, and that you are only representing yourself.  OK, fine.  Just know that if you use the firm's equipment to make the comments that you do, you could get into some hot water if you were to get called on it.  Calling someone gay could be construed as sexual harrassment.  Just sayin'. 
Nov 17, 2009 11:59 pm


I have set three appts each of the last two days.  I don't think I've done that since eval/grad. (I've set three, just not on consecutive days, I don't think, although this is the first time I am tracking it, so I can't be sure.) Anyways, I'm filling up my calendar, so, good stuff, especially since some of these have been really tough ones. I'm gonna go for a week-long streak.

[/quote]   What did you do to set those 3 appts? Prospects or existing clients?
Nov 18, 2009 12:04 am

[quote=Spaceman Spiff]

I also am aware that Jones does not care if you post here, however I am certain that your propensity to sling gay slurs and act as a prick in general violates Jones company policy.

Ding, Ding, Ding...give the man a prize.  The firm policy used to reference this site and the forums specifically as the example of what is permitted.  It also said that your participation in the site was as a representative of the firm and that you should act accordingly.    I know, I know, you're going to argue that you aren't representing EDJ, you're on here for the knowledge, and that you are only representing yourself.  OK, fine.  Just know that if you use the firm's equipment to make the comments that you do, you could get into some hot water if you were to get called on it.  Calling someone gay could be construed as sexual harrassment.  Just sayin'.  [/quote]     Doesn't matter who's equipment he is using, the simple fact that he has let it be known he works for EDJ and is posting during market hours is enough.
Nov 18, 2009 12:06 am

All prospects but one. Bugged the hell out of them. Two women I have talked to at least ten times each. They finally caved. Another, I had left about 12 messages, but hadn’t talked to her since I met her early June. She remembered, me, luckily, and it was pulling teeth, but I did get her to agree to meet. One business owner, one client, and one guy that has flip-flopped on meeting with me for the last three weeks. DIY-er. (The best was when his cell phone died right as we were setting a time.)

Oh, wow, I got four today. Client emailed me this morning. Forgot about that.
Nov 18, 2009 12:26 am

VOLT … GO away.  You are an idiot.  LOSER

Nov 18, 2009 12:49 am

[quote=MsBroker][quote=voltmoie]PM me … please!  I’ll share with anyone.

  PM sent.  Feel Better? [/quote]

I do, I do! 

At the point where you actually start to google someone's screenname off this forum you've got to ask yourself what type of human you are.  How pathetic is your life that you want to track someone down.  It's sad honestly. 

[/quote]     What type of human being comes to a forum and acts as you have?  How pathetic that you have to express your anger on an internet forum to cover up whatever defeciencies you have.  You can eliminate any so-called leverage you think I have by posting your own information, or you could simply kill the attitude.  It will be interesting to see how you act going forward without the shield of anonymity.  You have created quite a stir on the board as I am being bombarded PMs.
Nov 18, 2009 1:23 am


I have set three appts each of the last two days.  I don't think I've done that since eval/grad. (I've set three, just not on consecutive days, I don't think, although this is the first time I am tracking it, so I can't be sure.) Anyways, I'm filling up my calendar, so, good stuff, especially since some of these have been really tough ones. I'm gonna go for a week-long streak.

[/quote] Time to go seduce the nanny???
Nov 18, 2009 1:33 am

Not yet.

Week’s not over yet.

Nov 18, 2009 2:06 am


  What type of human being comes to a forum and acts as you have?  How pathetic that you have to express your anger on an internet forum to cover up whatever defeciencies you have.  You can eliminate any so-called leverage you think I have by posting your own information, or you could simply kill the attitude.  It will be interesting to see how you act going forward without the shield of anonymity.  You have created quite a stir on the board as I am being bombarded PMs. [/quote]   I know one person that is not bombarding you. I could care less who he was.
Nov 18, 2009 2:25 am

Same here.   This thread started off aright but one guy threatening another guys job is bad.  Think ill go back to da lurkin’