Background checks- how long does it usual
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Background checks… how long does it usually take to complete the whole thing? From start to finish?
Anyone know exactly how long it takes for UBS? I heard that they do one of the most extensive background checks and will take a long time?
Anyone know how long?
Approximate time 7-10 days, and by the way where are you hearing all this stuff from. I am assuming you are applying at UBS why not just ask them?
ubs told me that sometimes it take 2 weeks or even longer.
so that 7-10 days… is that the COMPLETE background check? or just part of it?
once again… is this just for the initial background check of education, credit history?
Or also including criminal history, U4… AND the drug test?
My friend just contacted me who will be your reporting Manager at UBS and told me to tell you that he’s sorry to inform you that you failed your background check.
right right right… and I’m sure that he did tell you this. What else did he tell you? That you’re a liar?
So on a more serious note…
does the 7-10 business days background check… include EVERYTHING within the background check or just the initial part of it?
[quote=youyoume]So on a more serious note...
does the 7-10 business days background check.... include EVERYTHING within the background check or just the initial part of it? [/quote]
That only matters when you're trying to hide something.
Alright let’s be serious, sorry I’m in a happy mood because of the $8.3mm ACAT I just submitted.
7-10 business days should be all inclusive of the whole process so you should give it about 2 calender weeks.
Did you disclose the misdemeanor on the company form you filled out?
Did you disclose the misdemeanor on the company form you filled out?
Does anyone want to take “Yes” and give odds?
Yes i did disclose it to them because of more severe consequences at the end.
but i don’t think they’ve done any criminal background check because i believe they need my permission for that?
And also… they need my fingerprints and such to submit for nasd background check, don’t they?
They did some kind of fingerprint check at Ameriprise.
The last thing I'll say to you is, if I were the hiring manager, I would be much more concerned about your efforts to conceal your past, than your actual past. Based on your posts here, I wouldn't hire you if you were a million dollar producer.
We all have skeletons. It's time to grow up and own your past.
UBS will want you to get fingered again before they finish the process evn though you may have been required to do this at Ameriprise already.
[quote=SBAdvisor]UBS will want you to get fingered again before they finish the process evn though you may have been required to do this at Ameriprise already.[/quote]
Yes and they’ll want you to do that again and again for years to come…
They will do a criminal check. I had an MIP come up from college (disclosed up front). No one cared being that I disclosed it and it didn't have to do with stealing. The point is they did find it even though it was only charged as a misdemeanor and settled as a simple fine.
On the funnier side of things, when I asked the BM if it would be a problem, he said something to the effect of "A stockbroker with an alcohol related offense? Usually most guys have that before their 7."
They will do a criminal check. I had an MIP come up from college (disclosed up front). No one cared being that I disclosed it and it didn’t have to do with stealing. The point is they did find it even though it was only charged as a misdemeanor and settled as a simple fine.
On the funnier side of things, when I asked the BM if it would be a problem, he said something to the effect of "A stockbroker with an alcohol related offense? Usually most guys have that before their 7."
[/quote]Hey EntrylevelFA....
So for UBS, how long did the whole background check process take for you- from start to finish?
To me they told me that the initial part (just employment, school, credit) will take 2 weeks.
Then I will have a drug test.
Then another 1-2 weeks on criminal history.
I was wondering if this was the same for you?
So did the whole process take 1 whole month? it just seems so long.
I went to a different wirehouse (big 3), but the process took a long time. I would say 3-4 weeks.