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Working From Home - How to Handle Phone Calls

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Jul 15, 2010 5:48 am

Can I start an RIA business working from home with just myself, and no secretary or person to answer phones if I am on vacation, say?  Or is there and expectation that a person would be there to answer at al times? 

I would use a platform/custodian such as Fidelity, Schwab, or LPL so I am assuming that if I am out of the office, a client can call the custodian directly to place a trade and/or place a trade online directly.  Are there any legal issues with this model of only sporadically being available by phone?

If I have a long term investment approach, I personally don't see the need to literally be available every hour that the market is open.

Siilarly, if I amon the West Coast, is there an expectation that I be up and available to take calls starting at 6am when the market opens, or would I be ok to wake up at 7:00 and get going then? 
