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What are good prospecting tools for strategy specific RIAs?

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Nov 30, 2010 1:22 am

Hi everyone,

I am wondering what people use for lead generators?  I was a former inv banker that had been managing my own money on the side.  I worked in leveraged finance (all LBOs) from 2003-2007, realized I better take the money and run becausethe market would implode so I started my own small hedge fund w/primarily my own money w/the focus to develop a track record for a few years and then raise more capital.

Well, the track record has been there but the problem was the industry has become more institutionalized so I  start to offer separately managed accounts that I run through Schwab this year.  I have a specific strategy (deep value, small cap buying basically garbage stocks that trade below tangible book val, liquidation val) that follows a model portfolio and although I have an RIA, I am not sure my RIA is typical of most in that I really only want to manage capital for this specific strategy.

Would anyone have any suggestions on what prospecting tools would be good for an RIA that really just has a specific strategy? 

Thanks in advance.

Nov 30, 2010 2:31 pm

I think you need to get on some platforms.  Not sure you can market this to individual investors (with any degree of efficiency).  There are a few services that allow RIA's to market their strategy to individual investors.  It's sort of like an RIA/SMA "supermarket".  The name escapes me.  If I think of it I'll come back.

Nov 30, 2010 3:58 pm

It sounds to me like you are more of a hedge fund than anything else..

b24 is right, talk to some IBDs to see if you can get on their SMA platform.

But the obvious answer is to find more clients by raising capital. Not familiar with how hedge funds do this, but I am sure there is someone who may..