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Third Party Portfolio Models/Allocations

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Mar 30, 2009 4:44 pm

Is anyone using a third party company like Advisor Intelligence (Littman/Gregory) to design and populate their different allocation models? 

I kind of like the idea of having another source to refer to, affiliate with, quote from when dealing with my clients - I’m in the free phase reviewing AdvisorIntelligence now, and like what they have, but I’d really like to compare it to others out there…

Anyone have suggestions to compare with? 

And yes…I know all great advisors make thier own models and do all of the due diligence, but I’ve just hung my RIA shingle and am in the process of rebuilding my business as an Indy…so if I can punt out some of the workload, I’ll be happy to, and happy to pay for it if the value is there.


Mar 31, 2009 12:48 pm

[quote=Windknot]Is anyone using a third party company like Advisor Intelligence (Littman/Gregory) to design and populate their different allocation models? 


Did you try Ibbotson.  They were purchased by Morningstar a little while back.  Also if you have relationships with mutual fund wholesalers, they are a good source.  Many will have free access to these tools.  Go on and register yourself.  There are wholesaler and advisor networks that may help you also.

Good Luck.

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