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SEC Charges Former NAPFA President with Kickback

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May 26, 2009 6:58 pm
SEC Charges Former NAPFA President with Kickback Scheme   I guess this proves the whole argument that even fee-only advisors and financial planners are not exempt from "conflicts of interest".
May 26, 2009 7:34 pm

[quote=B24] <H1 =entry-title>SEC Charges Former NAPFA President with Kickback Scheme

I guess this proves the whole argument that even fee-only advisors and financial planners are not exempt from “conflicts of interest”.[/quote]

B- Awesome. That’s why I don’t custody client assets. Fo -get -it.

I guess it’s just all about how you look at it. In my mind, when I am using commission-based products, I feel a little conflicted. When I have the option to do whatever I need to do to best manage a client account, then I feel no conflict. Since I get paid the same no matter what.

In this case, they had some sort of an agreement to receive kickbacks. My firm receives no such kickbacks from anybody.