Military Service
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Aug 12, 2009 4:16 am
One of the reasons I’ve stayed at Jones all these years is because they cover my book when I get deployed (National Guard). Does LPL, RJ, etc. have a program to cover my book during deployments?
Segment5 dude. Thank you for your service. First, are you Air Guard or Army Guard? It will make a difference.
If you are Air Guard, deployments (as you know) are considerably shorter. Get a laptop with a built-in camera (Macs are great for this) and you can stay in touch with your clients while deployed. Use Skype and it makes it much easier. This is not possible at a brokerage firm (as far as I know), due to compliance restrictions, so you should consider the RIA route.
If you are Army Guard - that sucks. Your best bet would be to hire someone, offer them a decent salary from your book as they build their own, and when you come back, you'll have an employee who is producing for your new firm, and watched your book while you were away.
I know that doesn't answer your question, but my guess is there is something in place at LPL or RJ. Others may answer that one.
One of the reasons I’ve stayed at Jones all these years is because they cover my book when I get deployed (National Guard). Does LPL, RJ, etc. have a program to cover my book during deployments?
Segment5 dude. Thank you for your service. First, are you Air Guard or Army Guard? It will make a difference.
If you are Air Guard, deployments (as you know) are considerably shorter. Get a laptop with a built-in camera (Macs are great for this) and you can stay in touch with your clients while deployed. Use Skype and it makes it much easier. This is not possible at a brokerage firm (as far as I know), due to compliance restrictions, so you should consider the RIA route.
If you are Army Guard - that sucks. Your best bet would be to hire someone, offer them a decent salary from your book as they build their own, and when you come back, you'll have an employee who is producing for your new firm, and watched your book while you were away.
I know that doesn't answer your question, but my guess is there is something in place at LPL or RJ. Others may answer that one.