CPA Channel
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Question, I have a meeting in a couple of days with the managing partner of one of the largest CPA/Consulting firms in my area. The firm offers investment services, but I believe it is as an RIA solely as I could not find any FINRA registrations for the firm or partner(s). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss me making a change from where I'm at and working with the firm to rejuvinate this segment of its business, which appears to be extremely passive. This could be a huge opportunity, but how would you INDY/RIA guys go about negotiating the deal?
Done with the meeting and the firm currently offers fee services incidental to the business, and is therefore not registered with the state or SEC. On the other hand, they are extremely interested in getting into this side of the business as they have a ton of clients asking for it. I am commited to setting up a business plan. What are some of the better resources out there for putting together a business plan?