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Dec 30, 2008 2:27 am

I was wondering if anyone could recomend a good website to find articles written about how much better it is (for both advisors and clients) to be independent vs. with a major wirehouse.  I guess I am trying to build as compelling astory as possible ifI should decide to make the jump. 

Dec 30, 2008 2:38 am

[quote=aande24]I was wondering if anyone could recomend a good website to find articles written about how much better it is (for both advisors and clients) to be independent vs. with a major wirehouse.  I guess I am trying to build as compelling astory as possible ifI should decide to make the jump. [/quote]

Don’t have nothing like that, but there are some articles about setting yourself on fire, if you’re ever compelled to do that.

Dec 30, 2008 2:54 am

Very helpful.  Thanks.  I though I might get a response or two from bored people.

Dec 30, 2008 8:48 pm


  Can't help you with articles.  You are on a sight that might have one or two article in its archives though.  Google it and I'm sure you'll find something.  Also, you might want to post this question as a different topic like "thinking of going indy" or something to that effect.  You might also do a search for this in the forum.  I'm almost certain this has been covered here before.   Oh and btw.  If you do a good job for your clients they don't care where you're at and you'll be so much happier.
Dec 30, 2008 9:03 pm

“I was wondering if anyone could recomend a good website to find articles written about how much better it is (for both advisors and clients) to be independent vs. with a major wirehouse.  I guess I am trying to build as compelling astory as possible ifI should decide to make the jump.” 

  That's a messed up thought process.  If you want to make the jump, make the jump.  You can always find something that says that it's the right thing to do.  Shouldn't you do the opposite and explore the pitfalls of making the jump?
Dec 31, 2008 4:05 pm


That’s a messed up thought process.  If you want to make the jump, make the jump.  You can always find something that says that it’s the right thing to do.  Shouldn’t you do the opposite and explore the pitfalls of making the jump?[/quote]


The best way to convince yourself that it is a good move is to try to find out ANYTHING that could be wrong with it…avoid having unpleasant surprises after you take the leap.