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Starting Jan 2nd. Fantasy Cold Calling!, but real

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Dec 14, 2010 3:51 am

me and a few others on this board are going to start formalizing our cold calling goals and results using a shared google doc.  We (I) feel that this friendly competition will really help keep us all accountable, challenged and motivated.  If you'd like to join, send me your google ID and I will share the file with you.

Anyone can join but those of us who are in it are basically just starting cold calling.

may also open up another document where we can share our best practices, scripts, etc.

Dec 18, 2010 8:07 pm

Ok folks, the 4 of you who sent me your ID's have had the document shared with them.  I've also created a word document which for now can be used for instructions but later we can share ideas on what is working and what is not. 

The few of you who said you would send your Google ID to me, send it and I will share the file with you also. 

Obviously Jan 2nd is a Sunday so we will start Jan 3rd and the more people we have doing it, the better.

Just PM me your Google ID and I will share the file with you.