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Aug 14, 2009 8:34 pm

I decided to buy a list of names to prospect.  I haven’t done this in a while so I went to a fortune 500 type company that does this sort of thing and they have a site that sells them.  I input the metro region, the industries, the size of the companies and the business positions I’m interested in calling.  That results in a list of 8,534 names.  Well that’s a lot for just me over a few months to call.

So I limit the number of employees, I kick out several industries it says there are now 8,532 names on the list.

So I again limit the number of employees further, kick out many more industry groups and kick out some lower level executives.  The list is now 8,532 but the price went down $24.

I think there may be a problem with the list or website.