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How to Contact Senior Advisors Prospects

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Jan 12, 2012 6:11 pm

I am a new to the business but not new to the industry. I just moved to a new city and joined an advisor. He gave me a list of some of his prospects who know (i believe they are mostly aquaintances) him. He wants me to try to bring some of the prospects over. I want to start calling on the list but I want to make sure I say the right things and dont ruin the oppurtunity. The problem I am having is how to try to set up a face to face meeting with the prospect. If i call and introduce myself and say I am part of XYZ Group thats great but where do I go from there? Any tips and advice would be much appreciated.

Jan 13, 2012 12:40 pm

Ask the advisor why he wants to meet with the people. 

Then, call and tell them.