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Nov 2, 2010 2:30 am

I have have been cold calling for a month now and just did my first piece of business. now working on follow up. I was just wonderring what others are doing. going for the appointment or call-mail-call. my outline goes as follows any advice would be appreciated. thanks in advance

Hi My name is _________, I'm a financial advisor with _________. The reason I'm calling is because I'm sending a free information packet on Tax Free municipal bond funds. Do you know what a municipal bond is?

Nov 2, 2010 3:58 pm

I like how brief it is. I also congrat you on a  very important phrase; "the REASON for my call". That phrase increases attention, because you've promised to keep it brief, to the point that way. You also tossed in an important element, a free offer, or special deal. So, you got several very important parts of a good call built in. Better than most LIU.

The trouble is, you're likely to get too many polite yesses, that are not interested or qualified. Your presentation also does not create sizzle or a sense of urgency.

So, think hard, about building my simple common sense criticism into your strategy, then I think you have the makings for a prospecting method that should provide "statistically meaningful results". 

Nov 2, 2010 8:49 pm

Or think way outside the box. Ru guo ni shi zhong guo ren, ni da gai keyi gen hen duo lao mei guo tan hua. Weishenma yong dian hua gei ren "cold call"?

Nov 3, 2010 12:28 am


I like how brief it is. I also congrat you on a  very important phrase; "the REASON for my call". That phrase increases attention, because you've promised to keep it brief, to the point that way. You also tossed in an important element, a free offer, or special deal. So, you got several very important parts of a good call built in. Better than most LIU.

The trouble is, you're likely to get too many polite yesses, that are not interested or qualified. Your presentation also does not create sizzle or a sense of urgency.

So, think hard, about building my simple common sense criticism into your strategy, then I think you have the makings for a prospecting method that should provide "statistically meaningful results". 

yes you are so right, i get alot of polite yesses but nothing solid. I'm thinking by asking whether know what one is I can create conversation. which in reality what I want. thank you again

Nov 3, 2010 9:20 pm


Or think way outside the box. Ru guo ni shi zhong guo ren, ni da gai keyi gen hen duo lao mei guo tan hua. Weishenma yong dian hua gei ren "cold call"?


I think you are just about the most ignorant person here...

Dec 9, 2010 12:51 am

after trying the call mail call process i realize i am getting polite yes as bfp said, openned up a few accounts I have read other forum from bond guy and dman am going to try bill god method as i read his books. I also want to get into the 401K market for evening calls I'm thinking of making it a service based call.

Dec 9, 2010 1:19 am

Ni bu hui shuo zhong wen ma?