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A presentation of Dallas Cowboys

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Nov 10, 2012 7:59 am

Dallas Cowboys, nicknamed by American fans “the team of America” was founded in 1960 and joined National Football League and consequently has developed a big pool of worshipping fans on a world-wide scale.wholesale jerseys shop

In the 1st month of its life , its name is “Rhinoceros”. One week later, it changed into “ Rangers”. Later, their bosses Clint Murchison Junior and Bedford Wynne decided to rename it as Cowboys, so as not to jerseys wholesale

Cowboys is one of the most successful team in NFL history, it got into post season final the most times.  It is the first team that won Super Bowl 3 times in 4 years, and it used to won 5 Super Bowls , in 1971,1977,1992,1993 and 1995.

Currently Dallas Cowboys is being owned by Jerry Jones and is valued as 1.85 billion dollars. Perhaps these achievements just cannot satisfy its picky fans from all over the world, it seems they still have a long way to go.wholesale nfl jerseys news .