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Nov 10, 2009 1:45 pm

Do you think if this guy went to bin Laden and said, “I’m gonna shoot up soldier’s ready to deploy”, bin Laden is going to say, “Wait, it doesn’t meet our four criteria”?

A fairly balanced report from the NYTimes, discussing his ties to a radical Yemenese cleric.  Looks like he contacted him for some research, which may or may not be legit. 

The Yemenese cleric is American born.

Nov 10, 2009 1:47 pm


[quote=DeBolt]…The truth will come out in time and I am sure if it shows him to be mentally unstable and not some rouge terrorist, the news stations will drop the story like it has a disease.[/quote]

I agree…Al Qadea has a very clear m.o…and this clearly isn’t it.

Anyone who even hints that this is the work of Al Qadea is a jackass.

Al Qadea =
1. Large explosions for a high body count
2. Simultaneous attacks
3. Identifiable targets
4. Claim responsibly immediately

What was the simultaneous attack in 1993 or 2000?

What is more identifiable than the largest military base in the U.S.?

Nov 10, 2009 5:00 pm

FBI - No terrorist connection

Nov 10, 2009 5:01 pm


Nov 10, 2009 5:19 pm

This was posted fifteen minutes ago.  Doesn’t really mention anything about there not being a terrorist connection.

Nov 10, 2009 5:28 pm

The only thing I know for sure is that I hope he survives so he can be treated to life in Don't-drop-the-soap Penitentiary.

Nov 10, 2009 5:40 pm

The fundamental point some of you are missing is although he might not have been affiliated with a terrorist organization he followed their model in enacting his terror.  He read their propaganda, posted on their websites, and in the end tried to become a martyr.  He does not have to have an official connection to act as their agent.  He became a pawn in their chess match....  however, bury your heads in the sand.  Thank your lucky stars he was not part of a terror organization.  I will not.  I submit to you that men acting independently of an origination pose far greater risk than a terror network itself.  Especially if those men are American citizens perverted by Islam.

However, now I will sleep better at night knowing the FBI has said he was not a terrorist.  Wake up, we are at war.

Nov 10, 2009 5:52 pm

I agree with volt on most things.

Except that I think that these men are perverting Islam, not the other way around. 

Misinterpretation of scriptures from all religions have resulted in countless wars and atrocities. 

Islam is not the problem.  It is the excuse these horrible people use to preach and enact their hate of something different than them.

Nov 10, 2009 5:53 pm

Terrorist are perverting Islam, not the other way around.

Nov 10, 2009 6:21 pm

I agree with volt on most things.

Except that I think that these men are perverting Islam, not the other way around. 

Misinterpretation of scriptures from all religions have resulted in countless wars and atrocities. 

Islam is not the problem.  It is the excuse these horrible people use to preach and enact their hate of something different than them.


Right On.  Fundamentalist is the problem. It does not matter what religion they are fundamentalist are the problem

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

Nov 10, 2009 6:25 pm

[quote=Moraen]I agree with volt on most things.

Except that I think that these men are perverting Islam, not the other way around. 

Misinterpretation of scriptures from all religions have resulted in countless wars and atrocities. 

Islam is not the problem.  It is the excuse these horrible people use to preach and enact their hate of something different than them.


Right On.  Fundamentalist is the problem. It does not matter what religion they are fundamentalist are the problem

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

[/quote]   Well its pretty clear what religion the most dangerous fundamentalists are.  Not a whole lot of Jewish fundamentalists out there plotting the demise of the western world.
Nov 10, 2009 6:28 pm

What 3rd says is correct.  Which is why, no matter how much it infringes on civil liberties and looks like a witch hunt, you look more closely at Muslims and people with skin like me.  Please tap my phone.  Please pull me out of line at the airport.  You are randomly searching Grandma, but not me?  Seriously?

Nov 10, 2009 6:41 pm

Until Islam begins to self-police itself they are the problem in my eyes. 

Think the same way about the Catholic church with respect to child molesters within it's ranks.
Nov 10, 2009 6:52 pm

Moraen, I return to your opening comment and perception about apologist America. Bush was probably the last free market leader. We stood as a nation, and now we run to the corners, each man grabbing what cattle, guns, hired hands, fencing and supplies he can on his way to his ranch.

  When I think of Bush, I think of Reagan. When I think of Reagan, I think of John Wayne. That turns into Clint Eastwood, but in even harder times, more like Tommy Lee Jones.   The movie for our time is "Lonesome Dove". Only instead of driving the cattle to open Montana country, we drive back to our own ranches. And America, instead of looking outward to the Wild West, apologizes to the world.   I took my son to a gun range for the first time this week. We rented a thirty eight special, a .22 target pistol, tried a nine millimeter Glock, and ended up with a fourty-four magnum. It felt great, and has nothing to do with paranoia or hatred, rather, it feels like reaffirming a basic American right and tradition.   I encourage anyone who has not done so recently, go somewhere and handle some firearms in a responsible fashion and remember who we are, where we come from, how much we take for granted.   Watch a few classical Westerns, too! We have not lost our nerve, we've just delegated too much responsibility to the wrong folks in government, big business and the unions.
Nov 10, 2009 7:14 pm


Terrorist are perverting Islam, not the other way around.

 [/quote   You are right, bad choice of words on  my part and didn't explain my position on Islam well.
Nov 10, 2009 8:13 pm

What 3rd says is correct.  Which is why, no matter how much it infringes on civil liberties and looks like a witch hunt, you look more closely at Muslims and people with skin like me.  Please tap my phone.  Please pull me out of line at the airport.  You are randomly searching Grandma, but not me?  Seriously?

  "Please Mr. Government man, take away my freedom, just keep me safe."   Yeah, Reagan would have loved that thinking- not!   The problem is-you are serious. The good news for you is that there is a movement in this country to do just that- take your freedom away. Hmm, just how would that happen? How do you get a free person to willingly give up their freedom. Trade it for something? Like safety?   Note the expansion of police powers since 9/11   Moraen, do you think you've been brainwashed? As you are willingly giving up rights guaranteed to you by the constitution and the Bill of Rights?  Ironic that you would fight for those rights then give them up. All Ok with you?  
Nov 10, 2009 8:27 pm

[quote=Milyunair]Moraen, I return to your opening comment and perception about apologist America. Bush was probably the last free market leader. We stood as a nation, and now we run to the corners, each man grabbing what cattle, guns, hired hands, fencing and supplies he can on his way to his ranch.

  When I think of Bush, I think of Reagan. When I think of Reagan, I think of John Wayne. That turns into Clint Eastwood, but in even harder times, more like Tommy Lee Jones.   The movie for our time is "Lonesome Dove". Only instead of driving the cattle to open Montana country, we drive back to our own ranches. And America, instead of looking outward to the Wild West, apologizes to the world.   I took my son to a gun range for the first time this week. We rented a thirty eight special, a .22 target pistol, tried a nine millimeter Glock, and ended up with a fourty-four magnum. It felt great, and has nothing to do with paranoia or hatred, rather, it feels like reaffirming a basic American right and tradition.   I encourage anyone who has not done so recently, go somewhere and handle some firearms in a responsible fashion and remember who we are, where we come from, how much we take for granted.   Watch a few classical Westerns, too! We have not lost our nerve, we've just delegated too much responsibility to the wrong folks in government, big business and the unions.[/quote]   Shooting guns is a fun way to pass an afternoon. I actually prefer archery, even though i suck at it. Money spent on good equipment is no substitute for time on the range. My sons are gun happy so i end up going to gun show, a real experience, and shooting ranges with them. My older son is a sheriff's deputy who is on the fast response team, equiv of SWAT, so he can shoot a fly off a wall at 100 yards with a pistol. I can't even see the wall.   The Western thing is problematic in that many depict the Indians as the bad guys. The truth is far different. Yet, like many i grew up with the impression that the Indians had it coming. Shocked to learn that i had been brainwashed by something as simple a movie screen.
Nov 10, 2009 8:28 pm

We have only those rights we can defend with our bare hands and any weapons we can get our hands on BondGuy.

I don’t need a Bill of Rights to tell me what my rights are.  However, I live in a country with others.  The fact that I choose to do so, means that I must limit what my rights are, as do you. 

Brainwashed?  Hardly.  I have nothing to hide, why shouldn’t I let them tap my phone, or pull me out of line?

“guaranteed by the constitution and the bill or rights”?  Are you kidding me?  Do you need some dead guys to tell you what your rights are?  If they came back today and said, “we’re gonna take a couple of these rights away” would you say ok?  Or if they added more, would you all of the sudden say, “no I’m good”. 

At what point do we say enough is enough.  How many people have to die BondGuy.  Was 3000 not enough for you.  Perhaps 100,000.  A million?

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  I believe you are naive because you have been sheltered in this wonderful country of ours and coddled to believe that there aren’t people that do some right nasty things to insure your safety and your right to believe that no one should touch your “rights”. 

That’s the problem with you bleeding hearts.  You only understand freedom, and not the cost.  Everything has a price.  The death of my family is not something I’m willing to accept.

Do what you will BG.

I think perhaps you’ve been brainwashed.  You think that people are basically good.  Thousands of years of history and atrocities prove that it isn’t. 

This is yet another reason I got out of the military.  Ungrateful.  Oh yes, you may mouth the platitudes of “I support the troops.  I appreciate the sacrifice of the troops”.  No.  You.  Don’t. 

Nov 10, 2009 8:30 pm

You know the interesting part about you quoting my post is that you don’t even question the intelligence of pulling out middle eastern looking males age 20 to 40.  You just bash my position as a brainwashed Reaganite.  Which I’m not.

It just makes sense.

Nov 10, 2009 8:39 pm

People are basically good. I believe that. If you think that makes me weak, so be it!

Moraen you live in a sad place. I'm glad i don't live there.