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Northstar, Cimarron funds and Superfunds. Anyone have experience with them?

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Jun 11, 2011 12:56 am

I am currently looking to add some new products to the shelf and would appreciate some input to help me start my due diligence.

1.  Northstar REIT - For the life of me, I can't understand why they went in as a REITinstead of a BDC.  Does anyone have posisitive input on them?  All that I have seen and read leads me to believe this REIT was started because they could not raise funds for their Reg D offering.  Am I missing something?  They don't seem to have any REIT experience and my concern is that they will end up being more like a Behrenger Harvard than an ARC.

2.  Cimarron - I like the concept and they seem to have done well so far.  However, they are a bit on the small side.  I would appreciate any personal experiences with this group.

3.  Finally, Superfund.  I really like them and would like to get them on the B/D platform so I can sell them.  Before I do that, does anyone have information to the negative (or positive) that I should consider. 

I value any comments from anyone experienced with these products.  Thank you.

Jun 11, 2011 2:03 am

Superfund blows... The guy keeps chaning the formula and format of the fund because it keeps tanking..If you want managed futures look at Altergris they have access to an abbreviated Winton Futures(and they are the best in the business)