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Nov 28, 2006 12:57 am

I had a student ask me whether he could download anything think that resembles a market browser or like the workstations they have at the wirehouses. He wants to be able to see a list of stocks change and have news flashes. Just thought I would ask the pros on this board first. Thanks

Nov 28, 2006 2:14 am

[quote=choida]I had a student ask me whether he could download anything think that resembles a market browser or like the workstations they have at the wirehouses. He wants to be able to see a list of stocks change and have news flashes. Just thought I would ask the pros on this board first. Thanks[/quote]

He needs to subscribe to a service that provides real time quotes, and he needs software that will take those quotes and chart them.  The best I have used for both requirements is “Tradestation.”

However, this stuff isn’t cheap, and I doubt anyone would choose to spend the money for it unless they were professional traders.

Nov 28, 2006 3:17 am

Try Googling “real time quotes” and see what pops up.

Nov 28, 2006 4:03 am

Someone posted this one in the not too distant past...for a freebie, it's pretty doggone good...

It's not everything you asked for, but again, it's a freebie...

Nov 28, 2006 5:31 pm

The easiest way to get what your looking for is to take $50 bucks, or whatever, and head over to a Scottrade office.  They have a great tool that provides real time multiple quotes, tracks indicies, etc.  It is free with the account, and your money will simply sit in the account and earn interest.