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Jul 28, 2005 12:56 pm

Being recruited by Wachovia (brokerage division). Any comments from anyone within the firm or otherwise. Thanks.

Jul 28, 2005 6:53 pm

Big bank.  They put on a nice golf tournament.  They tend to compete more with BOA than with anyone else (little brother syndrome).

Jul 29, 2005 4:58 am

Use to work for them,  their are good and bad things about them.  1.  Things that they tell you rarely happen,  so get it in writting.  2. They are on a massive hiring of brokers,  so if you are promised a territory, it will be down to one branch before long.  You have to watch out for these bank b/d.  If I were you and you decide to join them,  you better sell yourself to the clients not the bank.  That way if I should say when you leave you will have some clients to take with you.  The last thing is, they can and will turn on you on a dime.