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Dec 19, 2006 5:11 am

"Look in the mirror and ask if you even want us to win? If you listen to political BS know that they are full of crap. They all voted on the same information. Most voted to stay in Iraq. "


Err.. Good typing there Airforce.

Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 5:23 am


"By the way...we won the battles in Southeast Asia...we just lost the politcal war."

Let's assume this is true.



Dec 19, 2006 6:47 am

Its absolutely true.  In fact...had we not had political idiots making money out of American blood Vietnam would have taken six months by some expert strategists estimates.  But instead we stayed from the late 50's until the early to mid 70's.  We no longer have officials that do what is right for America.  We have officials that do what is right for their political jobs AND America...if they can swing it.

Korea was a tie.  My Granddad fought in Korea and even he believed that.  My dad was a Vietnam era vet and he believes we won the battles but we lost the war.  We lost the war because the perception of the mainstream media, and the tree huggin, drug using, free-lovin, communist twinkle toed m&^%$# f@#$%^&s, gave evryone the perception that we were not winning and that to be a soldier and support our President (which were democrats AND republicans) was wrong.   Perception is reality.  These people skewed our reality of Vietnam.  These same people skew our reality now.  The reality is we are winning.  How many buildings have been blown up on US soil since September 11?  You can thank a vet and a soldier, sailor, airman, marine, or intelligence officer for that.

We have jobs selling securities.  They have jobs providing it.  Like I said before...don't throw out an unsubstantiated (sp?) argument when you haven't flown the mission or fought the fight.  The reason being.  A man with an experience is never the captive of the man with an argument.

Dec 19, 2006 11:40 am

"We have jobs selling securities.  They have jobs providing it."

'Nuff Said.

Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 12:21 pm

[quote=mikebutler222] [quote=mranonymous2u]

"Why do you think we didn’t prevail in Viet Nam? (Not because we didn’t

stay as the President said, which pisses in the eye of every Viet Nam Vet,

that the draft dodging frat boy said that if we tried harder we’d have won in

Viet Nam!) …FACT “[/quote]

I doubt you know two Vietnam vets. Every last one of them I know says we

lost ONLY because we left and Bush never said we’d have won if we

"tried harder”. What a bag of gas you are “A”…


I think you’ve nailed it, Mike.

I’m a VietVet, and I promise you that if “A” knows any vets, he doesn’t

espouse his verbal vomit personally to them.
Dec 19, 2006 1:07 pm


Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 1:18 pm

You know what's interesting about this place? It's cutting edge. Whereas most every other bulletin board argument eventually devolves to a Hitlerian rant, this place devolves into Viet Nam machismo.

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."'s_law

Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 1:46 pm


... this place devolves into Viet Nam machismo.[/quote]

No, twit, this place has devolved to spending too much time correcting your ill-informed, poorly worded diatribes. 

Dec 19, 2006 2:05 pm

Damn, I did good spelling… It was a long day, so brovo to my comments. Thanks for the corrections. You guys rule and seem to be happy Americans. Do you ladies take any action to accomplish anything or just go to a forum and blow hot air? That should keep you busy blowing hot air for at least 30 minutes.

Dec 19, 2006 2:05 pm


You know what’s interesting about this

place? It’s cutting edge. Whereas most every other bulletin board

argument eventually devolves to a Hitlerian rant, this place devolves into

Viet Nam machismo.

“As an online discussion grows longer, the <A title=Probability

href=“”>probabili ty of a

comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches

one.” http://’s_law

Mr. A


As I recall, you, sir, were the one who brought up Viet Nam.

What else have you got?
Dec 19, 2006 2:17 pm

Also Vietnam was 30 years ago. Did Vietnam, China or any other enemy attack America? It was more based on threat then anything else. You look from 1982 to the present at the attacks to American interests. jpg

What more has to be done to awake our nation?

I still think those who talk this political crap are really pissed off at the Bush Gore election. They relate more with Cindy Sheehan then with the American troop. Some agree with our enemy more then they agree with our ally. I don’t get how someone gets to that point.

Dec 19, 2006 2:29 pm

“Pissed off” about the Bush Gore election? No, actually I was (and still am)

pleased with the outcome.

Dec 19, 2006 2:33 pm

[quote=Starka]“Pissed off” about the Bush Gore election? No, actually I was (and still am)

pleased with the outcome. [/quote]

Don’t think he was referring to you Starka…rather the liberal crew who continue to maintain that the elections was “stolen” and that they have been deprived of their birthright to have a leftist president.

As I’ve said before, can you imagine if John Kerry or Al Gore were President on 9/11?  For all of Mr. Bush’s arguable flaws, at least he has been decisive, willing to take risks regardless of what the polls say, and active in trying to keep us safe.  Al Gore would have run to the always-ineffective U.N. to campaign and goodness only knows where we’d be today.  John Kerry probably would have threatened to cut off all Ketchup supplies to Muslim countries.

Dec 19, 2006 3:09 pm


It wasn't a judgement call, it was an observation.


"I still think those who talk this political crap are really pissed off at the Bush Gore election. They relate more with Cindy Sheehan then with the American troop. Some agree with our enemy more then they agree with our ally. I don't get how someone gets to that point. "

You don't get how someone gets to that point because they DON'T. Nobody really cares about the election anymore, what's done is done.

What annoys people is the caliber of the man who has put our sons and brothers (and daughters and sisters) in the way of harm.

I'm a Liberal Democrat, always have been. I identify with Cindy Sheehan's plight, but only in that the arrogance of the man who could have diffused that whole situation by just talking with her for a couple of hours. Her son died in his ill conceived, ill prepared for, ill planned, ill executed war. Doesn't his sacrifice merit her a few hours out of the president's time (especially given that he takes so much time off from his job in the first place). But that doesn't mean that I don't identify also with the troops. I'm all for adding to the troops, massively, to bring this situation under control.

But I will not delude myself to believe that this invasion has anything to do with some "World wide war on terrorism." Nor will I delude myself to believe that bombing a village and killing a man's wife and children is going to make him anything other than angry at the country whose name was on the bomb.

Isn't this what we tell our own servicemen? "What if they did that to your Mama? What would YOU do then?" Indeed, what WOULD YOU do?

Tell me, why do you think we rushed into Iraq? We weren't ready to invade Iraq, we didn't have the "Army we wanted" why couldn't we wait?

Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 3:23 pm

It doesn’t matter how you define the observation…you were the one who entered it into the debate, then you were the one who complained when it was used to defuse your contention.

Dec 19, 2006 3:25 pm



It wasn't a judgement call, it was an observation.


"I still think those who talk this political crap are really pissed off at the Bush Gore election. They relate more with Cindy Sheehan then with the American troop. Some agree with our enemy more then they agree with our ally. I don't get how someone gets to that point. "

You don't get how someone gets to that point because they DON'T. Nobody really cares about the election anymore, what's done is done.

What annoys people is the caliber of the man who has put our sons and brothers (and daughters and sisters) in the way of harm.

I'm a Liberal Democrat, always have been. I identify with Cindy Sheehan's plight, but only in that the arrogance of the man who could have diffused that whole situation by just talking with her for a couple of hours. Her son died in his ill conceived, ill prepared for, ill planned, ill executed war. Doesn't his sacrifice merit her a few hours out of the president's time (especially given that he takes so much time off from his job in the first place). But that doesn't mean that I don't identify also with the troops. I'm all for adding to the troops, massively, to bring this situation under control.

But I will not delude myself to believe that this invasion has anything to do with some "World wide war on terrorism." Nor will I delude myself to believe that bombing a village and killing a man's wife and children is going to make him anything other than angry at the country whose name was on the bomb.

Isn't this what we tell our own servicemen? "What if they did that to your Mama? What would YOU do then?" Indeed, what WOULD YOU do?

Tell me, why do you think we rushed into Iraq? We weren't ready to invade Iraq, we didn't have the "Army we wanted" why couldn't we wait?

Mr. A

YOU a liberal democrat?  Oh wow I'm so shocked to hear that....

Cindy Sheehan's son was a patriot.  Her behavior, on the other hand, is the functional equivalent of spitting on his grave, and the left has taken advantage of this woman as she struggles with her grief.  Her "plight" is that she's grappling with a very difficult and sad loss, and has chosen to air her emotions publicly and use them as a tool against the Administration(unlike thousands and millions of other patriotic military parents) and the left has chosen to shamelessly use her for their political gains.  That's it in a nutshell.

It's not about the war on terror?  Is this the part where you dust off that old routine about the conspiracy to bring massive profits to Dick Cheney and Bush's other friends?  Tell us how it's all about oil?  Oh please Mister sing that song again for me it's one of my favorites!

You hate George Bush and you're against the war, but you identify with the troops?  Yep that's about how you Limousine Liberals like to talk out of both sides of your mouth, isn't it?  Kinda like how most of your legislators were happy to vote in support of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan until things got a little tougher and less popular.  Then they were happy to go with the polls and take a stance against that 'horrible Republican war', right?  "Oh yeah, I voted for it, spoke in favor of it on the Senate floor, but now it's an unjust invasion and so poorly planned because we haven't won it decisively before my next election, so now I'm publicly against it.....".  Something like that.
Dec 19, 2006 3:32 pm


I'm a Liberal Democrat, always have been. I identify with Cindy Sheehan's plight, but only in that the arrogance of the man who could have diffused that whole situation by just talking with her for a couple of hours. [/quote]

So typical of your posts. "Arrogance"... You're probably not aware Bush DID meet with her, mother of a volunteer, a year before she became "peace mom"...

Her son died in his ill conceived, ill prepared for, ill planned, ill executed war. Doesn't his sacrifice merit her a few hours out of the president's time (especially given that he takes so much time off from his job in the first place). But that doesn't mean that I don't identify also with the troops. I'm all for adding to the troops, massively, to bring this situation under control.

But I will not delude myself to believe that this invasion has anything to do with some "World wide war on terrorism." Nor will I delude myself to believe that bombing a village and killing a man's wife and children is going to make him anything other than angry at the country whose name was on the bomb.

Isn't this what we tell our own servicemen? "What if they did that to your Mama? What would YOU do then?" Indeed, what WOULD YOU do?

Tell me, why do you think we rushed into Iraq? We weren't ready to invade Iraq, we didn't have the "Army we wanted" why couldn't we wait?

Mr. A

Dec 19, 2006 3:39 pm

[quote=mranonymous2u] <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Tell me, why do you think we rushed into <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Iraq? [/quote]

You call 12 years of sanctions a "rush"?

As to why, I suggest you read the document passed in the House and Senate which even most Democrats signed. It details the reasons well.


We weren't ready to invade Iraq, …[/quote]

We were..

[quote=mranonymous2u]…we didn't have the "Army we wanted"[/quote]

I assume this is your attempt to sound as if you know something about the situation by making a passing comment about the equipment we CAME to need (and then field) once the situation on the ground changed. Sorry, we know you’re clueless on the subject, this won’t change anyone’s opinion.

[quote=mranonymous2u] why couldn't we wait?

Mr. A[/quote]

Let’s see, 12 years of sanctions, Saddam buying is way out via the  “oil chits for palaces” program the UN ran, what the entire world thought (review even Clinton’s comments from 1998 forward) was an ongoing WMD program and links to terror outfits. Yeah, we should have “waited”, there might have been a sign, like a Saddam WMD equipped terror outfit making another 9/11 attack here.

No doubt had that happened the vacuous like yourself would have been ranting about ho Bush “let it happen”….

Dec 19, 2006 3:41 pm


I'm a Liberal Democrat, always have been. I identify with Cindy Sheehan's plight, but only in that the arrogance of the man who could have diffused that whole situation by just talking with her for a couple of hours. [/quote]

So typical of your posts. "Arrogance" indeed... You're probably not aware Bush DID meet with her, the mother of a volunteer, a year before she became "peace mom"...

Dec 19, 2006 3:42 pm


So typical of your posts. “Arrogance”… You’re probably not aware Bush DID meet with her, mother of a volunteer, a year before she became “peace mom”…


Mike don’t you know our Liberal media friends aren’t going to publicize that because it would be an “inconvenient truth”? (Pun intended!)

Thank God Al Gore invented the internet so we can learn all these things!