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Transaction fees on fee based accounts

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Aug 16, 2006 3:05 pm

Do you charge them?  If so how do you position them when the account is set up.  It seems to me that if someone is paying a fee that it should be all inclusive, but ticket charges are going to either require me to raise the fees or put a dent in the amount I am getting, at least in the smaller accounts.  Bigger accounts I have no problem eating the fee.

I would appreciate any insight you all have.  And no, I'm not still at EDJ, I just haven't taken the time to figure out how to change my log in name.


Not still EDJ4now

Aug 16, 2006 4:04 pm

Are you suggesting that you favor a system where you charge a guy a fee for acting as an advisor while also charging a commission for performing trades that you suggest?

Aug 16, 2006 4:38 pm

[quote=NASD Newbie]Are you suggesting that you favor a system where you charge a guy a fee for acting as an advisor while also charging a commission for performing trades that you suggest?[/quote]

He said ticket charges! There is a huge difference!

Aug 16, 2006 4:43 pm

I think we're talking about ticket charges rather than commissions.  For example, LPL charges fee-based clients $15 per equity trade for back office crap like sending confirmations, etc.  As an advisor, I can eat this, or I can pass it along to the client.  As opposed to a commission, I receive none of the ticket charge as compensation.  Since my former firm charged ticket charges, I have opted to keep that model for the most part, and only eat the ticket charges where it was an issue for an A client.  It's pretty easy to explain to a client that a $13 mutual fund ticket charge is nothing compared to the $1,000 commission he/she just saved.  Explain up front that the ticket charges are insignificant compared to commissions saved and that you receive nothing from them.  Most folks are fine with this.  If not, you have to weigh whether or not they are a good enough client for you to eat the charges.

BTW, EDJ...what B/D did you end up affiliating with?  Eating ticket charges vs. not eating them sounds like LPL SAM II vs. SAM I to me.

Aug 16, 2006 6:31 pm

Indyone is correct, we are talking about ticket charges.  I think that what I am talking about is similar to the SAM I SAM II, but I'm not at LPL, I'm at a smaller BD that due to it's size I won't name to maintain anonymity. 

I have 2 choices, 1 that has $25 ticket charges for some funds and $0 ticket charges for some funds (Pershing Fundvest, for those of you who are familiar with that program).  I have no option to eat the ticket charges, they must be passed on to the client.  The other choice has ticket charges ranging from $10-30, depending on the fund family, and I can either pay ticket charges myself or pass them on.  This program also has slightly higher administrative fees. 

FYI for Put, I am not double dipping, although I used to run up against another advisor who had 1.5% wrap accounts full of B share funds.  Guess what, after 5-6 years, every fund he ever sold started to lag behind what he expected it to do, so they would roll over into another B share.  I am in a different community now so I haven't seen any of his statements for a few years, and I would assume his firm put a stop to that eventually. 

I was never able to transfer any of those accounts, which was very frustrating.  I'm sure part of the problem was that I was very new at the time, so I was pretty nervous trying to transfer a $300,000 account and it showed.  Also, he showered attention on his clients.  I tried to explain that the nice fruit basket was full of apples the client bought for $300 each, but it didn't resonate because he was "such a nice man."  I wish I could get another crack at a few of those prospects.  lol