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TICA to hold conference in Washington DC

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Feb 2, 2007 10:12 pm

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Media Contact: Roxanne Larcher

Tenant In Common Association (TICA)

630-978-9940 office

630-890-6545 cell

630-978-7008 fax

[email protected]

<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 


February 2, 2007

<?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />INDIANAPOLIS, IN – (Business Wire) – Feb 2, 2007 – The Tenant-In-Common Association (TICA) announced today that it is sponsoring a one-day educational conference on Tenant-In-Common (TIC) investments on March 7 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC.

Tenant-in-Common (TIC) is a form of holding title to real property. It allows the owner/owners to own an undivided fractional interest in the entire property.

The goal of the one-day TIC conference is to educate investment professionals about the benefits of TIC transactions to the end investor.  Highlights from the agenda include an industry overview, real estate fundamentals, 1031/TIC Basic Training and how to evaluate potential TIC opportunities.

Speakers at the event are leaders from within the TIC industry. They include professionals from real estate sponsors, registered representatives, broker/dealers, attorneys and other professional occupations from within the TIC industry.

For information about the event, please visit or call 317-616-4004 and speak with Executive Director, Kathy Finley.
