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Thoughts on Rescue Plan

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Sep 30, 2008 8:54 pm

[quote=BondGuy]Norway, one thing i like to do when buying a company like P&G is to list all the products they make. I show the client the list of everyday items and then ask them: Looking at this list do you see anything people will use less of in a recession? Tide? Charmin? crest? Scope? Ivory soap? Mr. Client this company makes things we need and use regardless of what the economy is doing.

  I always like taking it down to that common sense  level. [/quote]   Please don't ever leave us, BondGuy. You are invaluable.   I just printed a product list for P&G and laminated it for future use.   Powerful!!
Sep 30, 2008 8:57 pm

[quote=Borker Boy] 

Please don't ever leave us, BondGuy. You are invaluable.   I just printed a product list for P&G and laminated it for future use.   Powerful!![/quote]   I know, I did the same thing for Tiffany & Co. and Coach!!!!!!
Sep 30, 2008 9:00 pm

Here’s another little pearl… Campbell Soup. One of as I recall the 33 stocks that actually went up yesterday. Shit what does that tell you …common sense , check your cupboards at home. Will the Campbell Soup make you a fortune…NO but will it appreciate over time YES. A can of soup , a bar of soap , a soft drink see where I am going. I 'll take that approach over ANY of the Stock/Product Dejour. After awhile it comes down to simple and basic.

Sep 30, 2008 9:04 pm

if you own the stock, which i do, just open the annual report and show them the spread on pages 8 and 9.

Sep 30, 2008 9:17 pm

I like SIMPLE not rocket science. Soup , Soap , Soft Drinks fit very well in to the Conservative Investment Portfolio. I don’t want to hear about some Tech Company that has come up with a Program or Widget that will do something that means not a tinker’s dam to anyone but the promoters. I like Booze Stocks too.

Sep 30, 2008 10:36 pm

Bg, good post. Thanks, though that’s not where I was trying to take the conversation. and yes, I did edit my post probably right after you had already begun typing your reply. Sorry for the confusion.

Snags your post cracked me up. I needed a good laugh today.

Sep 30, 2008 11:56 pm

It’s not really funny, but now the news is that the Senate will re-vote on the same bill with a couple of additions (FDIC would increase) tomorrow evening.

  If this thing doesn't pass again, get ready for Attack of the Politicians: Part Deux.     
Oct 1, 2008 1:53 am

I like SIMPLE not rocket science. Soup , Soap , Soft Drinks fit very well in to the Conservative Investment Portfolio. I don’t want to hear about some Tech Company that has come up with a Program or Widget that will do something that means not a tinker’s dam to anyone but the promoters. I like Booze Stocks too.

  I remember my presentation for McDonalds stock from years ago: Mr. Jones I don't know a micro chip from a potato chip but I know what a Big Mac is.   Straight out of the Lehman handbook of keeping it simple and powerful.    And building that position in Mickey Dee's worked out great as I remember.