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Dec 20, 2010 7:15 am

I just purchased a couple new suits - body has changed for the better and had to get some...

I got traditional navy and after some deliberation and input from the wifey got a black pinstripe.  The pinstripes are light (no thick gangster style) and its not jet black, more of a dark charcoal black.  I'm now second guessing the black pinstripe in lieu of a solid gray/charcoal -


Dec 20, 2010 2:10 pm

I usually go with plain suits.  I have a black one, grey one, 2 navy blue, and a light grey one.  I get mine custom made from a tailor for $200 per pop!! you can't beat those prices!!!

The only downside is, I've put on a few pounds this year and the pants are feeling a little too tight...time to exercise more..

Dec 20, 2010 2:27 pm

Just don't go flashy.  Nice white shirts with the occasional blue.  Red and blue ties.  Shoes that are shined and in good shape.  Hair cut every three weeks. You want to be a pro, dress like one.  Sounds like you are - I've got four solid suits and two pin stripes.  Get compliments on them all.

Dec 20, 2010 4:56 pm

I have a saying, goes like this. "You can at least look the part"...

You typically never have to apologize for being too formally dressed. Though, I'm the type that believes expensive cufflinks, Rolex, too fancy can at a point turn people off. Another saying I might start... "Never trust a guy with a Rolex"...