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Stockbrokers on Active Duty

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Jun 28, 2005 12:58 pm


I need your help --- you need your help.  I have been getting some calls from RRs (and their family members) seeking clarification about whether they can enter into joint production agreements during any time they are called up for active duty.  Also, some folks are concerned that 24 months may lapse from when their U5 if put in until such time as they regain registered employement, and that would subject them to requalification by examination.  One of your forum members contacted me (StarsAndStripes) on the Legal Forum of this site, and given prior calls I have received, he inspired me to push the regulators for help.  Please visit  for more details.

In any event, if you are interested in fielding any calls from the press concerning veterans' rights for Wall Street personnel, or would simply like to join the effort, please feel free to send me an email at:

[email protected]

and include your contact information.  I will be happy to forward the Press to you for comment or keep you up to date with this program.

Whatever your level of interest, please circulate the press release noted on the blog above. Let's make sure the regulators do the right thing here.

All my best!

Bill Singer