Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans
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I do not know what to say to this but WOW. It make me sad. just means that the American people are really clueless about anything other than themselves. The believe everything they hear on the TV/Radio or read on the internet. I’d bet half of those people polled who have a positive view on socialism couldn’t name more than one or two socialist countries in the world. Nor have they ever spoken to anyone who lives in one of those socialist countries. What they hear is free health care and big business tycoons should share their money with the little guys. What they don’t see is higher taxes, lower quality of care, and jobs leaving our country at an even faster rate.
Had a meeting with client last night who has some friends in England. They told him that under no circumstance should he ever vote for free health care. They told him their taxes went up by 30%, just to socialize medicine in England. You want a surgery? Put yourself on a 2 year waiting list. OR you can go out and buy your own insurance policy, on top of the 30% higher tax bill, and go ahead and get the surgery done. The rich people still get preferential treatment. But it's because they can afford private insurance. People who like socialism should just move to France, Brazil, England, or any number of EU countries that are currently under that system.What's even worse is they could care less. "higher taxes" They barely pay them now. "lower quality of care" Their idea of a Dr. visit is a free emergency room visit that costs several grand instead of $100 if they went to a regular Dr. "jobs leaving our country at an even faster rate" They don't want one. Do I sound a bit jaded?What they don’t see is higher taxes, lower quality of care, and jobs leaving our country at an even faster rate.
I think you are giving way to much credit to this 36% group. I would bet the majority could not even define socialism. Case in point, after the state of the union the other week FOX news had a focus group of about 20 people. They went around the room and asked for feedback from the speech. One by one people pointed out flaws in Obama's promises. The few pro Obama's were asked why they gave him positive reviews, the responses were "I thought he talked about Hope" or "he bring refreshing change". They just repeap the rhetoric his campaign pushed on us, no real independent thoughts. It amazes me how clueless the average american is. I think every american should have to pass a basic exam to be elgible to vote, how things would be different.[quote=Spaceman Spiff]It just means that the American people are really clueless about anything other than themselves. The believe everything they hear on the TV/Radio or read on the internet. I’d bet half of those people polled who have a positive view on socialism couldn’t name more than one or two socialist countries in the world. Nor have they ever spoken to anyone who lives in one of those socialist countries. What they hear is free health care and big business tycoons should share their money with the little guys. What they don’t see is higher taxes, lower quality of care, and jobs leaving our country at an even faster rate.
Had a meeting with client last night who has some friends in England. They told him that under no circumstance should he ever vote for free health care. They told him their taxes went up by 30%, just to socialize medicine in England. You want a surgery? Put yourself on a 2 year waiting list. OR you can go out and buy your own insurance policy, on top of the 30% higher tax bill, and go ahead and get the surgery done. The rich people still get preferential treatment. But it's because they can afford private insurance. People who like socialism should just move to France, Brazil, England, or any number of EU countries that are currently under that system. [/quote] I find this thread interesting. Being from Canada and depending on the province paying 50% on income in the general area of $100k, that seems like socialism to me. Great if you're a barmaid making $25k a year, but being in finance and managing life savings just plain sucks. 2 year waiting lists are pretty extreme though Spiff, unless you want a boob job. I can tell you that there are some, (more wealthy) that do travel to the states to get surgeries done and commend the quality and efficiency of the US system. I've also had snowbirds that got sick in Florida and had to be hospitalized and they said there was a nurse that came around and took an inventory of the Kleenex (Seriously). Their medical insurance did cover the bill after they ponied up the money. Canadian healthcare isn't completely free as good old Michael Moore will have you believe. There are basic MSP premiums if your emplyer doesn't pay them but if you want to get extended health, there are other costs associated with that. We had a manager just transfer up from the states and she said after everything she was further ahead in the states but not by that much. However, wasn't making hundreds of thousands of dollars either but definately more than a first year Jones rep! Sorry, couldn't resist.