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Sep 6, 2008 8:15 pm

I'd like to re-discuss a topic we've discussed a little before.

What are you recommending to your clients regarding social security if they are retiring between the ages of 59-62?

I realize it all depends on individual circumstances, but given the uncertainty of future benefits, how long they may live, and the current economic conditions, what do you think?

Ice has brought up that the actual breakeven point when factoring in time value of money is somewhere in the mid-80's.

That being said, if someone can relieve the pressure of withdrawing retirement funds by taking 75% of their SS benefit at 62, wouldn't that make the most sense?

Sep 8, 2008 6:18 pm

have you ever done the payback option ice?  i have not, but have been reading on it alot lately.

Sep 8, 2008 9:31 pm

any great piece you’d recommend i have on hand to refer to?