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Aug 12, 2006 4:47 pm

longtime lurker.  great site.

i just found this and it is very discouraging, i don't quite know what to make of it though.  i'm sure sceptics will be hollering from the bleachers but give it a thorough view when you have the time.

Second part of the series: amp;search=

please check out the part about 20 minutes in if you can't watch the whole thing......i'd really like some comments or insight from anyone present during the event.

Aug 12, 2006 4:49 pm

20 minutes in on part 2 to clarify.  thanks for any comments (from those who have viewed most of the material please).

Aug 13, 2006 9:53 pm

I'm not a conspiracy kinda guy myself, so this isn't going to typically appeal to me.  But if I was, I would get away from making open inferences and stick to the facts to make my case, of which there isn't much here.

It's interesting to me that the people that continually blame the US government for incompetance (and many times rightly so), are the same people that suggest that the government has the capability and wherewithal to successully carry out conspiracies to fool billions.

Aug 14, 2006 8:58 pm

Interesting video.  I think the idea of the government causing 911 is hogwash though (although I'm not opposed to the idea of Bush being involved, being a Bush hater and all , hahahahaha) .  They certainly were incompetent though.  Who caused 911 is still open in my mind......I thought the part where they tracked down (was it 10 of them?) the 'alleged' hijackers of the planes and demonstrated that they were still alive and well in their respective countries was pretty interesting though.  How could they still be alive if they died in the plane crashes?

That in addition to the laughable explanation that the WTC towers and that other building  were brought down due to fires.  These would be the ONLY buildings in history to be brought down from fires, especially ones that couldn't have been even close to hot enough to melt the structural steel. 

Thanks for the post.  It's nice to have a fellow "conspiracy theorist" around .  I still don't think that the government was involved per se.

Aug 15, 2006 12:26 am

9/11: Debunking the Myths (Popular Mechanics)

Aug 15, 2006 12:35 am

Mike, how dare you let facts get in the way of a "good" conspiracy?

Aug 15, 2006 1:59 am


[quote=mikebutler222] ?page=1[/quote]

Mike, how dare you let facts get in the way of a "good" conspiracy?


Sorry, but the "Loose Change" types don't deserve any respect. I'm doing the best I can just to be civil and post a few rebuttal sites.

Check out the line by line rebuttal on the “Loose Change” film itself. Be sure not to miss the audiotape of the members (“Deniers Speak”) of this movement on various radio programs.

Aug 15, 2006 7:25 pm


Did you see the part where they demonstrated that a majority of the alleged hijackers are still alive?  Although this is NOT evidence of a conspiracy; if true, it is certainly indicitve of severe incompetence.  Also the pentagon "missile" was certainly not a Boeing 757, my father in law was a Boeing inspector for many years and he was able to point out immediately that the 'recovered' engines and other assorted wreckage was absolutely NOT a Boeing 757.  Fox put out a good show (I think it is also on YouTube?) on the GLARING inconcistencies of the Pentagon attack.  Like I said I don't think it's the government, the verdict is still out IMHO.  There also is a really good video that slows down the 'video' of the airplane strike and zooms in on the first couple frames and the picture is clearly a missile not a 757 nose.  Damage consistent with a missile, picture of a missile nose on the video, plus all other video that was available is 'locked away'.  Sounds just a little fishy to me.

What would you expect from a conspiracy theorist though?

Touche big boy.


Aug 15, 2006 7:36 pm

Where are the people who were in the plane that hit the Pentagon if they didn't die there?

Where is the plane that is thought to have hit the Pentagon if it didn't actually hit there?

Where was a missile of that size fired from?

Aug 15, 2006 7:41 pm


[quote=mikebutler222] ?page=1[/quote]

Mike, how dare you let facts get in the way of a "good" conspiracy?


Sorry, but the "Loose Change" types don't deserve any respect. I'm doing the best I can just to be civil and post a few rebuttal sites.

Check out the line by line rebuttal on the “Loose Change” film itself. Be sure not to miss the audiotape of the members (“Deniers Speak”) of this movement on various radio programs.


Definitely some good links there Mike, thanks.  There are still many many discrepancies that are not addressed though. 

Aug 15, 2006 7:44 pm

[quote=NASD Newbie]

Where are the people who were in the plane that hit the Pentagon if they didn't die there?

Where is the plane that is thought to have hit the Pentagon if it didn't actually hit there?

Where was a missile of that size fired from?


Those questions don't have to be answered to demonstrate that the wreckage was not consistent with a Boeing 757 and that the video clearly shows a missile head (long and narrow) not a 757 nose (tall and wide). 

Aug 15, 2006 7:49 pm

Don't have to be answered?  Of course they do, the video was distorted by the fisheye lens that was used.

Only mental midgets would think anything else.

Aug 15, 2006 7:54 pm

check these photos out boys: tp:// tml&h=322&w=500&sz=19&hl=en&start=4& tbnid=1ne4xGHRGPAUkM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=130&prev=/ima ges%3Fq%3D911%2Bpentagon%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

Aug 15, 2006 7:56 pm

Oh and I forgot you guys are saying that this damage: caused by a Jumbo 757? 

Aug 15, 2006 8:00 pm

Nah, a 757 is not a “Jumbo.”  It’s a single aisle airplane.

Aug 15, 2006 8:01 pm



Did you see the part where they demonstrated that a majority of the alleged hijackers are still alive?  Although this is NOT evidence of a conspiracy; if true, it is certainly indicitve of severe incompetence.  Also the pentagon "missile" was certainly not a Boeing 757, my father in law was a Boeing inspector for many years and he was able to point out immediately that the 'recovered' engines and other assorted wreckage was absolutely NOT a Boeing 757.  Fox put out a good show (I think it is also on YouTube?) on the GLARING inconcistencies of the Pentagon attack.  Like I said I don't think it's the government, the verdict is still out IMHO.  There also is a really good video that slows down the 'video' of the airplane strike and zooms in on the first couple frames and the picture is clearly a missile not a 757 nose.  Damage consistent with a missile, picture of a missile nose on the video, plus all other video that was available is 'locked away'.  Sounds just a little fishy to me.

What would you expect from a conspiracy theorist though?

Touche big boy.



How exactly did they 'prove' that a majority of the hijackers are alive?  Saying that they are alive and highlighting their picture is hardly proof.  Especially given that so many folks of Arab nationalities have the exact same name.
Aug 15, 2006 8:03 pm

Note I said IF true.  Just interesting.  For me the Pentagon attack is the real deal though.

Aug 15, 2006 8:05 pm

You’re saying the Pentagon was attacked–as if the rest of us doubt it?

Aug 15, 2006 8:08 pm

I also did not use the word "prove" Joe.......please don't twist my words, I think the loose change video has a lot of pure B.S. in addition to some good info.....mostly B.S. though. 

NASDy:  I guess the 'jumbo' reference was to clarify that the 'official' impact hole looks like a much smaller plane (if it was a plane) and a 757 is quite a large plane .  Sorry, I am certainly nieve on aircraft.

Aug 15, 2006 8:10 pm


To clarify, the idea that the attack on the Pentagon was a 757 seems to be B.S.