Series 24 and Series 26
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Is there anybody in here that has taken both exams?
I know that the 24 is the "greater" of the two exams but my firm (a bank) is making me get the series 26 to supervise branch staff that will become "licensed bankers" at the branches that I serve. My supervisor/sales manager has the 24 and the hierarchy of the bank seems to frown upon the regular producers getting their 24 too.
Just wanted to know the major differences between you two exams in case I sit for the 24 in the future.
The 26 is a limited principal’s license – limited to supervising series 6 reps. So, if your bank only has 6’s then that’s all you’d need.
I have a 7 and my supervisor has a 7 and a 24. As previously stated, I will be supervisor of "licensed bankers". They are essentially getting the branch managers, assistant branch managers, and a select few branch representatives licensed to sell insurance and variable contracts. My specific question involved the difference between the two exams, not the supervisory capacity, I understand that very well. Unfortunately you misunderstood the question. As such, I will ask again for any comments from anybody that has taken both exams.
Besides waiting for someone who may have taken both exams you can see the study guides for each on the NASD site. DocName=NASDW_011051&ssSourceNodeId=759