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Sense on Cents Radio: Bill Singer on This Sunday

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Jun 12, 2009 7:08 pm


NoQuarter Radio’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle

Posted by Larry Doyle on June 12, 2009 2:38 pm | SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "NoQuarter Radios Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle", url: "" }); ShareThis

Please join me Sunday evening from 8-9 p.m. ET for NoQuarter Radio’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle.  The markets gyrated this week but ultimately ended up close to unchanged across the board. That said, our economic landscape continues to provide numerous twists and turns. Let’s navigate.

The wizards in Washington are working feverishly on an overhaul of the regulatory framework of the financial industry. Or are they? Will real changes be implemented or is it mere pandering? Sense on Cents is thrilled to host the preeminent veteran Wall Street regulatory lawyer and market reform advocate Bill Singer this Sunday evening.

Bill’s career is nothing short of extraordinary. He is engaged far and wide for his legal expertise and advocacy on a wide array of regulatory issues. At this point in our financial and economic turmoil, nobody is better positioned to address the intersection of Wall Street and Washington than Bill Singer.

More specifically, Bill operates within the following realms:

shareholder in the Securities Practice Group of the law firm Stark & Stark

Publisher of

Publisher of

Columnist and Member of’s Intelligent Investing Panel

Bill and I will engage in a no-holds-barred conversation about the recent meltdown of our financial system:

What role did inept regulation and incompetent regulators play in allowing the tragedy to unfold and proceed?

Should the present regulatory system be salvaged, or demolished and replaced with a new scheme?

A major part of the regulation of Wall Street is done by a so-called self-regulator whose rules and Board members are voted on only by its member firms — is this still a good idea?

Why don’t powerful industry interests want the job of stockbroker to be “professionalized” along the lines of medical doctors, lawyers, and CPAs?

These are truly historic times in the global economy. Let’s “navigate the economic landscape” without the pandering or nonsense found elsewhere!

With Bill Singer on this Sunday evening, you can rest assured we will leave no stone unturned in navigating all the angles on this part of our economic landscape.

Please spread the word amongst friends and colleagues not to miss the show this Sunday evening on NQR’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle.


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