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Securities & Commodities Vs. Life Insuran

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Jun 24, 2005 1:16 am

I left my old job now i have an oppurtunity to do one of 3 things actually

1- Do Both Securities & Commodities Sales at a brokerage

2- Become an equity trader

3- Work at new york life doing insurance plans, etc…

All offering me attractive offers, not sure what to go with. WHat do u
think has a greater potential short term and is easier to work at and

Jun 24, 2005 2:27 am

unfortunately, if you’re looking for short term results, insurance would be the easiest

Jun 24, 2005 9:51 am

This is a stock jockey board. Any information you receive will be biased towards brokerage. Better to ask this at a more balanced site.

Best is if you can offer both. Insurance never goes out of style, but it's useful - and profitable - to have brokerage capabilities during boom times. But thank God for insurance sales during 2002-03...

Jun 24, 2005 3:40 pm


This is a stock jockey board. Any information you receive will be biased towards brokerage. Better to ask this at a more balanced site.

Best is if you can offer both. Insurance never goes out of style, but it's useful - and profitable - to have brokerage capabilities during boom times. But thank God for insurance sales during 2002-03...


I agree with Pants.  Change 1) to "securities & insurance".  You will be better served and so will your clients.